Madinah Arabic
Madinah Book 1
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40 questions
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بيت | A house |
نجم | A star |
منديل | A handkerchief |
مدرس | A teacher |
ديك | A rooster |
جمل | A camel (male) |
و | And |
حصان | A horse |
حمار | A donkey |
قط | A cat |
كلب | A dog |
تاجر | A merchant |
رجل | A man |
طالب | A student |
ولد | A boy |
طبيب | A doctor |
من..؟ | Who..? |
هذا | This is |
مسجد | A mosque |
باب | A door |
كتاب | A book |
قلم | A pen |
مفتاح | A key |
مكتب | A desk |
سرير | A bed |
كرسي | A chair |
ما هذا؟ | What is this? |
ا هذا..؟ | Is this...? |
نعم | Yes |
لا | No |
قميص | A shirt |
من هذا....؟ | Who is this....? |
ذلك | That is |
ما..؟ | What..? |
آ ذلك ؟ | Is that..? |
إمام | Imaam |
سكر | Sugar |
ما ذلك ؟ | What is that? |
حجر | Stone |
لبن | Milk |