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MID TERM REVIEW (3-4) - Leaderboard
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MID TERM REVIEW (3-4) - Details
33 questions
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Great compromise | Was between the New Jersey Plan and the Virginia plan the issue between them was large v small state and the number of houses. They resulted with 2 houses representatives and state. |
3/4 compromise | Was between northern states and southern states the conflict between them was if slaves should be counted for representation or not and if they should be counted for taxation. They resulted in 3 out 5 slaves counted toward population and will be taxed. |
The Slave trade compromise | Was between northern and southern states the conflict was should slave trade continue, which level of government regualtes trade and what to do about runaways. The resulted in slave trade ending in 20 years, congress regultes trade and fugitive slave law must return runaways |
Anti-federalists | Wanted smaller government, more rights for small states, and did not want a national bank. Also demanded a Bill of Rights |
Federalists | Thought that strong central government was needed, and that it would be reigned in with checks and balances. |
The role that the _____ played is that without it, the Anti-Federalists wouldn’t have ratified the constitution. | Bill of rights |
Shay’s Rebellion | Prompted the constitutional convention. Massachusett farmers rebelled against the state. Convinced founding fathers for a need for strong central authority. |
Successes of the articles of confederation are: | Raised an army, appointed washington as commander, treaty of paris, alliance with france. |
Weaknesses of the articles | Are no chief executive, laws needed approval of 9 of 13 states, congress could not tax, congress could not raise an army and navy, any amendment changes needed all 13 states approval, and congress did not have the power to regulate trade. |
Hamilton’s financial plan: | Fed take over state debts, protective tariffs, new national bank, internal improvements (roads, canals) |
What are the 4 warnings | Warning #1, Don't place regional interests above national welfare. #2, don't place party interests above national welfare. #3. Avoid large amounts of national debt. #4, Avoid entangling military alliances with other nations. |
Marbury v Madison - | Established Judicial Review(the power to declare a law unconstitutional), greatly expanding the power of the Federal Government.. |
McCulloch v Maryland - | Ruled that States could not tax the Federal Government . Expanded the power of the Federal Government, restricted the power of the states. |
Gibbons v Ogden - | Conflict over waterway claims(N.Y v Fed). Ruled that the federal government is supreme in conflict with states. |
John Marshall wrote each ___. | Decision |
-Jefferson believed | In a strict interpretation of the Constitution. Therefore, he used his treaty making powers to purchase the territory from France. |
How did the Louisiana purchase effect the size of the US | Doubled the size |
What claim did the Louisiana purchase strengthen | Claim to the entire continent |
What did the Louisiana Purchase Insured control of | New Orleans, the Mississippi and the Great Plans to the edge of the Rockies |
-Monroe Doctrine | Was a warning to European nations NOT to reclaim lost colonies in Western Hemisphere. Meant very little at the time but used later to assert US influence over Latin America |
What are the causes of the War of 1812 | -Impressment of sailors -Election of the War Hawks in Congress in 1810 election -Desire for free trade with Europe -Expansion hopes into Canada and Florida -British encouraging Native American attack |
What are the effects of the War of 1812 | -recognition of boundary between US and Canada -A feeling of pride (nationalism) -Encouraged Aggressive foreign policies like the Monroe Doctrine-warn Europe not to recolonize Europe -Federalists, viewed as unpatriotic, came to an end -Native americans were left to defend their land -Andrew Jackson gain fame-Battle of New Orleans |
North: | Growing industry, ethnically diverse,, increase tariffs to protect economy, build infrastructure, suspicious of power planters, restrict expansion of slavery |
South: | Agriculturally based, "King Cotton" ,expanding slave population, strict hierarchy based on race, supported states rights, decrease tariffs, infrastructure is a state issue, suspicious of northern motives regarding slavery, expand slavery |
Henry Clay’s, American System: | -Protective tariffs -Renew a national bank -Internal improvements Henry Clay was founder of Of the Whig Party. |
Changes in voting laws and its effects on elections by 1828 (ch. 10). Identify which historical figure benefited from change in voting laws and why? | More working class people gained the right to vote because you no longer needed to own land in order to vote. Andrew Jackson benefited from this when he won the presidential election in 1828. |
Early Republic | Presidents were from the elite qualifications. Distant and formal Presidents from Va/Mass |
Age of Jackson | Common Man. In touch with people Presidents from west. |
Why the change? | No longer had to own land |
Spoil System | Involved rewarding loyal supporters with government positions. Provided opportunities for people who were normally shut out from the political process. However, led to an increase in corruption. |