muscles exam
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38 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
What is this | Pectoralis major |
What is this | Pectoralis minor |
What is this | Deltoid |
What is this | Serratus anterior |
What is this | Subclavius |
What is this | Subscapularis |
What is this | Trapezius |
What is this | Levator scapulae |
What is this | Rhomboideus minor |
What is this | Latissimus dorsi |
What is this | Rhomboideus major |
What is this | Infraspinatus |
What is this | Supraspinatus |
What is this | Extensor digitorum |
What is this | Extensor carpi ulnaris |
What is this | Extensor carpi radials brevis |
What is this | Extensor carpi radials longus |
What is this | Flexor pollicis longus |
What is this | Flexor digitorum profundus |
What is this | Palmaris longus |
What is this | Flexor carpi ulnaris |
What is this | Supinator |
What is this | Pronator teres |
What is this | Brachioradialis |
What is this | Triceps brachii |
What is this | Brachialis |
What is this | Biceps brachii |
What is this | Teres minor |
What is this | Flexor digitorum superficials |
What is this | Flexor carpi radials |
What is this | Coracobrachialis |
What is this | Teres major |
What is this | Abductor pollicis longus |
What is this | Extensor pollicis brevis |
What is this | Extensor pollicis longus |
What is this | Extensor indicis |
What is this | Adductor pollicis |
What is this | Pronator quadratus |