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Music - Leaderboard
Music - Details
31 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
Texture | The desrciption of melodys and accompiamnent |
Texture | The desrciption of melodys and accompiamnent |
Accelerando | Getting faster |
Chords and notes that fit into a melody | Accompaniment |
Active Listening | Listening for the elements |
Binary form | AB/AAB/AABB |
BPM | Beats per minute |
Coda | Found at the end of a piece of music/song , usually features newly written music to finish off |
Dynamic | Volume of the music |
Form | Structure of music |
Homophonic | One melody played with accompaniment or harmony |
Composing technique | How music is composed |
Melodic Features | Specific features of melody |
Metronome | Used to keep counts of beats |
Monophonic | 1 melody on its own playing |
Orchestra | Group of musicians |
Ostinato | When more than one melody is playing simultaneously |
Pitch | When notes are heard at on the spectrum of sound |
Pulse | Heartbeat of the music |
Rallantando | Slowing down gradually at the end |
Recording techniques | New ways of recording |
Specific features of rhythm | Rhythmic features |
Rhythm | Patterns of note lenghts, how long |
The speed of music | Tempo |
Ternary form | ABA/AABA/ABBA |
Texture | The description of melodies and accompaniment |
Timbre | How something actually sounds |