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National 5: Music

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In English
National 5: Music


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what type of piece is this?

Scottish Waltz A dance with three beats in the bar

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229 questions
What type of piece is this?
Scottish Waltz A dance with three beats in the bar
What is a waltz
A dance with three beats in a bar
What kind of piece is this?
Scottish march a piece of music with 2 or 4 beats in the bar originally composed for soldiers to march to
What is a march?
A piece of music with 2 or 4 beats in the bar orginally composed for soldiers to march to
What type of piece is this?
Strathspey a relatively slow scottish dance characterised by dotted rhythms it usually features the scotch snap (short note on the beat followed by a long note)
What key is this piece of music in?
G major (f sharp key signature)
What kind of piece is this
Scottish Reel A fast Scottish dance either in 2/4 or 4/4 time. A reel generally features an even flowing rhythm and is usually played after a strathspey
What is this key signature
F major one flat (b flat only)
What type of piece is this
Jig a fast dance in compound time. Often written in 6/8, 9/8 or 12/8 (In compound time each beat is a dotted note which divides into three)
What key is this?
G major one sharp only (f sharp)
Name 6 scottish instruments
Bagpipes fiddle accordion clarsach bodhran whistle
What instrument is this?
Scottish bagpipescontain drones - the low pitched pipes of bagpipes which play a continuous note in the background to accompany the melodycontains grace notes - short notes used to embellish the melody
What type of band is this
Pipe band made up of bagpipes and drums
What type of notes are these?
Grace notes short notes that embellish the melody
What type of piece is this
Pibrochthe classical music of the bagpipesa theme and variations, with the variations become increasingly elaborate
What instrument is this
Fiddle another name for the violin, used in scottish folk music
What instrument is this
Clarsach small scottish harp
What instrument is this
Bodhran a celtic wooden drum held in one hand and played with a wooden beater
What instrument is this?
Tin whistle made from metal and played at the front of the musician (like the recorder)
What instrument is this
Accordion an instrument with a keybaord played with the right hand and buttons (which play chords) pressed by the left hand. The player pushes and pulls the two sides to operate the bellows
What type of band is this
Scottish dance band a band which plays Scottish music for people to dance to. The instruments may include a fiddle, accordion, piano and drumkit. Sometimes known as a ceilidh band
What is this feature of music?
Vamp a rhythmic accompaniment with a bass note on the beat and a chord off the beat. Usually played on piano or guitar
What type of music is this?
Mouth music unaccompanied songs with Gaelic or nonsense words, normally sung for ceilidh dances
What type of music is this?
Waulking song gaelic work song sung when beating tweed
What type of music is this?
Scots ballad a slow scottish song which tells a story typically strophic in form several verses have a chorus
Each verse of a vocal piece has the same music
Verse and chorus
A form popular in many songs the music of the verse will repeat, often with different words. The chorus normally repeats.
What type of music is this?
Bothy ballad unaccompanied folk song, usually with many verses, from north-east scotland
What type of music is this
Gaelic psalm slow unaccompanied Gaelic church tunes
What type of music is this?
Celtic rock a style that mixes celtic folk music and rock
Pentatonic scale
A scale containing five notes
Simple time
The beat subdivides into groups of three (the word "coffee" fits)
What is this feature of music
Anacrusis the note(s) before the first strong beat of a phrase
Describe this form of music
Ternary form a three part form: an A section followed by a B section, which is a different melody, than return to the A section. Same as ABA form.
Name this feature of music
Imperfect cadence the last chord at the end of a phrase is V it sounds unfinished
Name this feature of music
Perfect Cadence Chords V & I at the end of a phrase It sounds finished
Chord progression
A series of chords in a piece of music or song. At N5 Chord progressions will use chords built on the first, fourth, fifth and sixth notes of a major or minor scale. Many popular songs use the I, IV, VI, V chord progression.
Name this melodic concept
Ascending notes which rise in pitch
Name this melodic concept
Descending notes which fall in pitch
Name this melodic concept
Repetition an exact repeat of a musical idea
Name this melodic concept
Step the notes are next to each other
Name this melodic concept
Leap the notes are not next to each other
Name this melodic concept
Sequence a melodic phrase which is repeated at a higher or lower pitch
Name this rhythmic feature
Scotch snap a very short accented note before a longer note a feature of strathspeys
Name this rhythmic feature
Dotted rhythm a long note followed by a short one or a short note followed by a long note
Name this feature of music
Counter melody a melody played against the main melody
Name this feature of music
Coda a passage at the end of a piece which finishes it off
Name this type of band
Steel band a west indian band whose instruments are made out of oil drums called pans.  The top of each drum is hammered into panels to make different pitches. originated in the Caribbean
Name this instrument
Sitar plucked string instrument from India
Name this instrument
Tabla two indian drums
Name this instrument
Panpipes pipes which are graded in size and are bound together. The sound is made by blowing across the top of the pipes
What type of music is this
Indian music from india which uses instruments such as the sitar and the tabla
What type of music is this
Latin american dance music from south america percussion instruments provide lively off beat dance rhythms
Name this type of instrument
Percussion instruments that are played by striking, shaking or scraping
Name this instrument
Bongo drums untuned percussion the drums are joined in pairs and are usually played with the hands
Name this instrument
Guiro an untuned percussion instrument it is made out of hollowed-out wood and scraped with a wooden stick
Name this instrument
Acoustic guitar a stirnged instrument that is played by plucking or strumming the strings with fingers, or using a plectrum.
Name this instrument
Castanets untuned percussion instrument popular in Spanish music
What type of music is this
African music much african music features voices and/or african drums
Accented notes are played off or against the beat
What type of music is this
Blues started as black american folk music, developing from spirituals and work songs Blues music is often in 4/4 time and is mostly patterned on a 12-bar structure and on a scale where some notes are flattened
What type of music is this?
Gospel songs written with religious lyrics in a popular style
What type of music is this?
Ragtime features a syncopated melody against a steady vamped accompaniment
Name this feature of music
Octave the distance of 8 notes  eg. from D up to D
What type of music is this?
Jazz at first jazz was created by black americans in the early 20th century features of the music may include syncopation and improvisation
What instrument is this?
Clarinet a woodwind instrument which uses a single reed
What instrument is this?
Trombone a bass instrument with a slide
What instrument is this?
Double bass largest and lowest string instrument
What instrument is this?
Piano a keyboard instrument with strings
What instrument is this?
Drum kit a set of drums and cybals often used by rock bands and pop groups
Name this feature of music
Improvisation making it up during a performance
What type of music is this?
Swing a jazz style which started in the 1930's, performed by a big band
What instrument is this?
Trumpet the highest brass instrument
What instrument is this?
Saxophone a woodwind instrument made of metal which uses a single reed
What is this feature of music?
Walking bass a moving bass line with notes usually of the same value it is often found in jazz styles
What instrument is this?
Bass guitar A 4 string guitar which is pitched lower than a guitar
What type of music is this?
Scat singing nonsense words and sounds are made up by the singer used mainly in jazz
What type of music is this?
Rock 'n' roll 1950's american music which grew from the combined styles of jazz, blues, gospel and country
What instrument is this?
Electric guitar a guitar which does require electricity to produce sound
What type of music is this?
Rock a style of popular music with a heavy, driving beat usually features electric guitar, bass guitar and drum kit
What type of music is this?
Pop a style of popular music
Middle eight
In pop music, a section which provides a contrast to the opening section it is often 8 bars long
What type of music is this?
Reggae this style was developed in the 1960's in Jamaica it has strong accents on the 2nd and 4th beats of the bar
Name this feature of music
Riff a short repeated pattern
Name this feature of music
Accents notes which sound louder than others
What type of music is this?
Rapping rhyming lyrics that are spoken and perfomred in time to a beat rapping is popular in hip-hop
What type of music is this?
Celtic rock a style that mixes celtic folk music and rock
Name this feature of music
Descant melody which is sung above the main melody
Blues scale
Scale with a number of accidentals
What type of voice is this?
Soprano the highest female voice
What type of voice is this?
Mezzo soprano a female singer between a soprano and alto
What type of voice is this?
Alto the lowest female voice
What type of voice is this?
Tenor the highest male voice
What type of voice is this?
Baritone a male singer between a tenor and bass