New Testament Midterm
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New Testament Midterm - Leaderboard
New Testament Midterm - Details
70 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
How are Alexander the Great’s conquests relevant to the writing of the New Testament? | Hellenization and the New Testament being written in Greek |
Who were the Maccabees | The family that started the revolt against the Seleucids |
What was the name of the Jewish dynasty that ruled Jerusalem during the brief period of Jewish independence between Greek domination and Roman domination? | Hasmonean dynasty ruled over a brief period of independence |
What abominable action did the Roman general Pompey the Great do after taking control of the Temple in 63BC/BCE? | Pompeii entered the holy of holies |
Considering how violent he was, why is this client King known by the title “the Great”? | Colossal building projects |
Why did John the Baptist excite the Jewish populace when he began his ministry? | They preserved him as a profit alas |
According to the Gospel of Mark, what occurred when John baptized Jesus? | You are my beloved son |
What is the Septuagint? And why does it matter? | The Greek translation of the Old Testament |
What is Christology | The study of Christ from all point of views |
Theologically, what does incarnation mean | God incarnate makes Jesus in the flesh |
What does kenosis mean and where is it used? | To empty oneself, Philippines 2 |
What does eschatology mean | The study of the end times or final things |
What does paraenesis mean | The practical application of ethical exertion |
What does amanuensis mean? What are the names of some of Paul’s colleagues who served in that role? | Scribe, Ciles, Timothy |
What does apostle mean | Someone who is sent |
Theologically, what does the term apologetics mean? | A rational explanation of the belief or teaching of a document |
For what possible purpose was the Gospel of Mark written? | Mark could have been an explanation for the scandal of the crucifixion |
At Caesarea Philippi, what does Peter correctly “confess” or profess regarding Jesus’ identity, and then shortly later get completely wrong about Jesus? | Right: Christ, son of living God Wrong: Peter denying Jesus must di |
In which structure or building does the Gospel of Luke begin and end? | Temple in Jerusalem |
Among the Jewish leadership, which groups often challenged Jesus and ultimately banded together to demand his execution from the Roman Governor? | Pharisees and Sadducees |
What phenomena accompanied the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on that Jewish holiday? | A violent wind and they saw tongues of fire descend on each of them |
In which city does the Book of Acts begin? 38. In which city does the Book of Acts end? | Begin: Jerusalem End: Rome |
According to Church tradition, which two of the gospel writers were definitely disciples and eyewitnesses of Jesus? | Matthew and john |
What was debated and decided at that Jerusalem Council? | What will be required of gentile converts |
Which one of the Apostles spoke finally and decisively at that Jerusalem Council? | James the brother of jesus |
Why is the year 70AD particularly significant to both Judaism and Christianity? | The year the Romans destroyed the temple in Jerusalem |
On that occasion in Antioch, why did Paul oppose his fellow apostle? | Peter had stopped eating with the gentiles |
What was the likely occasion of First Thessalonians? In other words, what problem or question prompted Paul to write the epistle? | The Thessalonians wondered what would happen to the Christians who died |
What was the likely occasion of (or point of confusion) that prompted the writing of the Second Thessalonians? | They wondered if they had missed Jesus' second coming |
What did Paul do to mitigate the risk that his epistles and letters might be suspected to be instances of pseudepigraphy or, in other words, forged documents? | Signed his apostles |
In which of Paul’s epistles does the well-known and often-read chapter on love appear? | 1 Corinthians 13 |
According to the instructor, which one word should forever be associated with the Epistle to the Romans? | Righteousness |
According to Romans 5:9, what exactly does Jesus save us from? | The wrath of God |
Which two Pauline Epistles contain “Messiah Poems” or “Christological Doxologies”? | Philippines and Colossians |
Considering the backstory in Acts 16, what is ironic about the location from which Paul writes his Epistle to the Church at Philippi? | He is in jail again |
Did Paul or someone else start the Church at Colossae? | Someone else, Epaphras |
The Epistle to the Colossians was part of an Apostolic “bundle” likely containing which other two Pauline documents? | Letter to leman and the Ephesians |