Officer Examination Study Guide - Reformed Theology
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Officer Examination Study Guide - Reformed Theology - Leaderboard
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21 questions
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Scripture alone is our ultimate authority in matters of faith and life We are saved by faith alone We are save by grace alone | 1. Give a brief definition of the following: Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia |
Revelation that is given to all men, particularly creation Ps19, Romans 1:18f | 2. What is general revelation? |
Revelation given to God's people, in the past through the apostles and prophets, but today is contained in God's Word, the Bible | 3. What is special revelation |
Only in the Bible | 4. Does special revelation continue today? |
The critical point here is not whether or not you believe tongues continue. However, you must affirm that the canon of Scripture is closed and there is no "new revelation" | 5. What is your view of the charismatic gifts (tongues, prophesy, etc.) |
The Bible is our only infallible rule in faith and life and since it is God's Word has the very authority of God Himself | 6. What authority does the Bible have? |
God-breathed 2Timothy 3:16-17. Scripture is the very Word of God | 7. What is inspiration? |
Inspiration is God breathing the Word, illumination is the Spirit's opening our eyes to the truth in the Word. | 8. What is the difference between inspiration and illumination? |
The Bible is incapable of error. | 9. What is infallibility? |
The Bible has no errors | 10. What is inerrancy? |
There is one God in three distinct persons; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The are one God, the same in substance, and equal in power and glory. Hypostatic Union - Hebrews 1:3 and John 15:26 | 11. Define the Trinity and give scriptural support |
Human and divine. The great creeds make this doctrine more clear. Nicene and Chalcedon - without mixture, division , separation, confusion | 12. What are the two natures of Christ and what is their relationship to each other? |
Incarnation, became subject to the demands and curse of the law, suffered, died was buried, descended into Hell (not literal) | 13. What was involved in Christ's humiliation? |
Resurrection, ascension, session, return. See Phil 2 for an outline of the humiliation and exaltation. | 14. What was involved in Christ's exaltation? |
Means to cover, make amends, blot out an offense, or give satisfaction for a wrong done. | 16. What is the atonement? |
Atonement which turns away God's wrath (Heb 2:17; Rom 3:23, 1 John 2:2, 4:10) | 17. What is propitiation? |
Atonement which cancels our debt of sin. | 18. What is expiation? |
It was substitutionary. He died as the substitute for His people. | 19. What do we mean when we say that Christ's atonement was vicarious? |
Active obedience - Christ lived a righteous life for us -Did the good we should have done Passive obedience - He died on the cross to pay for our wrong Undid the wrong we did | 20. Distinguish the active and passive obedience of Christ. |
WSC Q33 God declares us righteous based on the work of Christ | 32. What is justification? |