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In English

Created by:
Anh Võ Đức

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ask someone very good at smth

pick sb brain

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71 questions
Think very hard
Rack ur brain
Account for
Describe sth that happened
Give an account of
Because of
On account of
Not certain
Hang in the balance
Can bang A va B
Balance between
The largest part of a group
The balance of sth
Complete by bring sth to end
Bring sth to a conclusion
Finished/ come to end
Come to/arrive at/reach a conclusion
Make a decision to fast
Jump/leap to conclusion
In conclusion
The end of sth
Conclusion of
Resonable outcome
Logical conclusion
A result that is certain happen
A foregone conclusion
Think carefully
Give consideration to
Care about people felling
Show consideration for
Being discussed
Under consideration
Someone to think about
For sb's consideration
Considering sb/sth
Out of consideration for
Nghi ngờ
Doubt that
Nghi ngờ 2
Have your doubts about
Dấy lên nghi ngờ
Raise doubts about
Be uncertain
In doubt
Confuse about sth
Doubt as to/about sth
Completely certain
Beyond any doubt
Emphasize your opinion
Without a doubt
Not definise
Open to doubt
Focus on
Main idea
The main/primary/major focus of/for
Clearly seen
In focus
Unclearly seen
Out of focus
Have /give sb the feeling that
Have/give the impression that
Complying a person acts
Do an impression of sb
Believe that
Under the impression that
Decide sth
Make up ur mind
Forget sth
Slip ur mind
Have a plan or intention
Have sth in mind
Think about particular thing
Have a one-track mind
Unable to decide
In two minds about sth
In ur thought
On your mind
Ready to receive sth
Broad-minded, open-minded
Clarify sth
Put into perspective
From a different view point
From another /a different perspective from sb's perspective
In sb's opinion
From the perspective of sb/sth
Have the correct size
In perspective