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71 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
Ask someone very good at smth | Pick sb brain |
Think very hard | Rack ur brain |
The person who plan and organize | The brains behind |
Stupid | Brainless |
Original idea/plan/event | Brainchild |
Suggest an idea fast | Brainstorm |
Make sb accecpt others thinking | Brainwash |
Sudden good idea | Brainwave |
Explain/occupy | Account for |
Describe sth that happened | Give an account of |
To consider or remember something when judging a situation | Take sth into account |
Because of | On account of |
According to what others say | By all account |
Because of what u think sb wants | On sb's account |
Not certain | Hang in the balance |
Find a balance between 2 things | Strike a balance |
Make a situation fair or equal | Redress the balance |
Can bang A va B | Balance between |
The largest part of a group | The balance of sth |
After considering everything | On balance |
Suprised/in danger of falling | Off balance |
Complete by bring sth to end | Bring sth to a conclusion |
Finished/ come to end | Come to/arrive at/reach a conclusion |
Make a decision to fast | Jump/leap to conclusion |
Finally | In conclusion |
The end of sth | Conclusion of |
Resonable outcome | Logical conclusion |
A result that is certain happen | A foregone conclusion |
To think carefully about a particular fact when deciding or judging something | Take sth into consideration |
Think carefully | Give consideration to |
Care about people felling | Show consideration for |
Being discussed | Under consideration |
Someone to think about | For sb's consideration |
Considering sb/sth | Out of consideration for |
Nghi ngờ | Doubt that |
Nghi ngờ 2 | Have your doubts about |
To cause sb or sth to be viewed | Cast doubt on |
Dấy lên nghi ngờ | Raise doubts about |
Be uncertain | In doubt |
Confuse about sth | Doubt as to/about sth |
Completely certain | Beyond any doubt |
Emphasize your opinion | Without a doubt |
Not definise | Open to doubt |
Attention | Focus on |
Main idea | The main/primary/major focus of/for |
Clearly seen | In focus |
Unclearly seen | Out of focus |
Research participant | Focus group |
Have /give sb the feeling that | Have/give the impression that |
Complying a person acts | Do an impression of sb |
Believe that | Under the impression that |
One person first encounters another person | First impression |
Decide sth | Make up ur mind |
Accidentally think of sth | Cross ur mind |
Forget sth | Slip ur mind |
Have a plan or intention | Have sth in mind |
Remember to consider sth | Bear in mind |
Think about particular thing | Have a one-track mind |
Make yourself forget about sth unpleased | Take ur mind of sth |
Make you remember sth | Bring to mind |
Unable to decide | In two minds about sth |
In ur thought | On your mind |
Not willing to listen to new ideas | Narrow-minded |
Ready to receive sth | Broad-minded, open-minded |
Forgetful | Absent-minded |
Clarify sth | Put into perspective |
From a different view point | From another /a different perspective from sb's perspective |
In sb's opinion | From the perspective of sb/sth |
Have the correct size | In perspective |
To other things in the picture | Out of perspective |
Ability to think about problems and decision | A sense of perspective |