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Prairie communities

In English

Created by:
Sadie Loveless

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Pine barren soil type

Very strong to strongly acidic

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57 questions
Pine barren soil type
Very strong to strongly acidic
Pine barren plants
Jack pine, bracken fern, low sweet blueberries, pin oak, Pennsylvania sedge
Pine barren mammals
White tail deer and red squirrels
Pine barren birds
Grasshopper sparrow and Kirtland warbler
Pine barren location
Northern lower peninsula
Oak Barren soil type
Course textured and well drained sand or loamy sand
Oak barren plants
Choke cherry, bracken fern, and oaks
Oak barren mammals
White tail deer, gray and fox squirrels
Oak barren birds
Grasshopper sparrow, pileated and downy woodpeckers
Oak barren location
Southern lower peninsula
Oak openings soil type
Sandy loam or loams
Oak openings plants
Black eyed susan, milkweed, oaks
Oak openings mammals
White tail deer, fox and gray squirrels
Oak openings birds
Henslow and grasshopper sparrow, redheaded woodpecker, and white breasted nuthatch
Oak openings location
South eastern lower MI
Dry mesic prairie soil type
Sandy loam to loamy sand
Dry mesic prairie plants
Black eyed susan
Dry Mesic prairie mammals
Moles, skunk, white tail deer, badgers, and bison
Dry Mesic Prairie birds
Henslow, grasshopper, field, and savanna sparrow, eastern meadowlark, and bobolink
Dry Mesic Prairie location
Southern lower peninsula
Oak pine barrens soil type
Medium to slightly acidic sandy or loamy sands
Oak pine barrens plants
White and red oak, white pine, bracken fern, and low sweet blueberries
Oak pine barrens mammals
White tail deer and gray squirrel
Oak pine barrens birds
Grasshopper and savanna sparrow
Oak pine barrens location
Northern lower peninsula and upper peninsula
Dry sand prairie soil
Acidic loamy sands and acidic sands
Dry sand prairie plants
Bracken fern, Pennsylvania sedge, choke cherries, and poverty grass
Dry sand prairie mammals
Skunk, moles, white tail deer, and badgers
Dry sand prairie birds
Grasshopper and field sparrow and eastern meadowlark
Dry sand prairie location
Northern lower peninsula
Bracken fern
Low sweet blueberry
Pin oak
Pennsylvania sedge
Choke cherry
Black eyed susan
White oak
White pine
Red oak
Poverty grass
Big blue stem
Little blue
Butterfly weed
Mesic sand prairie soil
Sandy loam loamy sand, and sand
Mesic sand prairie plants
Big and little blue stem, indian weed, butterfly weed, and pennsylvania sedge
Mesic sand prairie mammals
Moles, skunk, white tail deer, and badgers
Mesic sand prairie birds
Eastern meadowlark, grasshopper and henslow sparrows