Root Words
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[AB] abdicate, abduct, abhor, abject, abnormal, abolish, abstinence, abstract, abstruse | OFF, AWAY FROM, APART, DOWN |
[ABLE/IBLE] changeable, combustible, durable, indubitable, inevitable, laudable, tolerable, variable | CAPABLE OF, WORTHY OF |
[AC/ACR] acerbic, acid, acrid, acrimonious, acumen, acute, exacerbate | SHARP, BITTER, SOUR |
[AMBI/AMPHI] ambidextrous, ambient, ambiguous, amphibian, amphitheater | BOTH, ON BOTH SIDES, AROUND |
[ANIM] animadversion, animal, animate, animosity, equanimity, magnanimous, pusillanimous, unanimous | OF THE LIFE, MIND, SOUL, BREATH |
[ANTI] antagonism, antibody, anticlimax, antidote, antipathy, antiphony, antipodal, antiseptic, antithesis | AGIANST, OPPOSITE |
[BON/BOUN] bona fide, bonus, bountiful, bounty, debonair | GOOD, GENEROUS |
[BURS] bursar, bursary, disburse, reimburse | PURSE, MONEY |
[CED/CEED/CESS] abscess, accede, antecedent, cessation, concede, exceed, incessant, precede, predecessor, proceed, recede, recess, secede, succeed | TO GO, TO YIELD, TO STOP |
[CENT] bicentennial, cent, centennial, centigrade, centigram, centiliter, centimeter, centipede, century, percent | HUNDRED, HUNDREDTH |
[CO/COL/COM/CON] coerce, collaborate, collide, commensurate, communicate, compare, compatible, conciliate, connect | WITH, TOGETHER |
[COSM] cosmetic, cosmic, cosmology, cosmonaut, cosmopolitan, cosmos, microcosm | ORDER, UNIVERSE, WORLD |
[CRED] accredit, credentials, credible, credit, creditable, credo, credulity, creed, incredible, incredulous | TO BELIEVE, TO TRUST |
[CUB/CUMB] concubine, cubicle, incubate, incubus, incumbent, recumbent, succubus, succumb | TO LIE DOWN |
[DE] decipher, defame, deferential, defile, delineate, descend | AWAY, OFF, DOWN, COMPLETELY, REVERSAL |
[DEXT] ambidextrous, dexter, dexterity, dexterous | RIGHT HAND, RIGHT SIDE, DEFT |
[DI/DIA] diagnose, diagonal, diagram, dialect, dialogue, diameter, diaphanous, diaphragm, diarrhea, diatribe, dichotomy | IN TWO, THROUGH, ACROSS |
[DI/DIF/DIS] diffuse, dilate, dilatory, disperse, disseminate, dissipate, dissuade, distant, diverge | AWAY FROM, APART, REVERSAL, NOT |
[DOL] condole, condolence, doleful, dolorous, indolence | TO SUFFER, TO PAIN, TO GRIEVE |
[E/EX] efface, eliminate, emanate, eradicate, evade, evict, evince, excavate, except, excerpt, exclude, execute, exhale, exile, exit, exonerate, expire, extricate | OUT, OUT OF, FROM, FORMER,COMPLETELY |
[EQU] adequate, equable, equation, equator, equidistant, equilibrium, equinox, equivocate, iniquity | EQUAL, EVEN |
[FAL] default, fail, fallacy, false, faux pas, infallible | TO ERR, TO DECEIVE |
[FERV] effervescent, fervent, fervid, fervor | TO BOIL, TO BUBBLE |
[GRAM/GRAPH] anagram, diagram, epigram, epigraph, grammar, graph, graphic, graphite, photograph, program, telegram | TO WRITE, TO DRAW |
[(H)ETERO] heterodox, heterodyne, heterogeneous, heterosexual | DIFFERENT, OTHER |
[INTRA] intramural, intrastate, intravenous | INSIDE, WITHIN |
[JOIN/JUG/JUNCT] adjoin, conjugal, conjunction, injunction, junction, junta, rejoin, subjugate | TO MEET, TO JOIN |
[JUR] abjure, adjure, conjure, injure, juridical, jurisdiction, jurisprudence, jurist, jury, perjury | LAW, TO SWEAR |
[LAUD] cum laude, laud, laudable, laudatory | PRAISE, HONOR |
[LEC/LEG/LEX] dialect, lectern, lecture, legend, legible, lesson, lexicographer, lexicon | TO READ, TO SPEAK |
[LEV] alleviate, elevate, leaven, levee, lever, levitate, levity, levy, relevant, relieve | TO LIFT, TO RISE, LIGHT (WEIGHT) |
[LI/LIG] ally, league, liable, liaison, lien, ligament, ligature, oblige, religion, rely | TO TIE, TO BIND |
[LUC/LUM/LUS] illuminate, illustrate, illustrious, lackluster, lucid, luminous, translucent, | LIGHT (BRIGHTNESS) |
[MAL/MALE] maladroit, malady, malapropism, malediction, malefactor, malfeasance, malfunction, malevolence, malicious, malign, malinger | BAD, ILL, EVIL, WRONG |
[MAND/MEND] command, commend, countermand, demand, mandate, mandatory, recommend, remand, reprimand | TO COMMAND, TO ORDER, TO ENTRUST |