3ESO. Fashion
Review the vocabulary related to fashion.
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80 questions
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Sumar | Add Up |
Pantalónes | Trousers |
Cinturón | Belt |
Anuncio | Advertisement |
Pantalónes | Trousers |
Pantalónes | Trousers |
Bolso | (Hand)Bag |
Pantalones | Trousers |
Dinero | Cash |
Pantalónes | Trousers |
Gafas | Glasses |
Cambio | Change |
Pantalónes | Trousers |
Cargo | Charge |
Chanclas | Flip Flops |
Zapatos con tacones | High Heels |
Blusa | Blouse |
Botas | Boots |
Sombrero | Hat |
Abrigo | Coat |
Disfraz, vestuario (teatro) | Costume |
Vestido | Dress (n.) |
Sombrero | Hat |
Gorro/a | Cap |
Chaqueta | Jacket |
Vaqueros | Jeans |
Bolsillo |
Cartera (de mujer) | Purse |
Chubasquero | Raincoat |
Camisa | Shirt |
Camiseta | T-shirt |
Zapatos | Shoes |
Pantalones cortos | Shorts |
Falda | Skirt |
Traje | Suit (n.) |
Jersey | Sweater |
Medias | Tights |
Deportivas | Trainers |
Reloj (de pulsera) | Watch (n.) |
Pulsera | Bracelet |
Pendientes | Earrings |
Guantes | Gloves |
Goma de pelo | Hairband |
Joyas | Jewellery |
Maquillaje | Make-up |
Collar | Necklace |
Anillo | Ring |
Calcetines | Socks |
Traje de baño | Swimsuit |
Ropa interior | Underwear |
Gorro de lana | Beanie |
Chándal | Tracksuit |
Caber | Fit |
Ropa | Clothes |
Sentar bien | Suit (v.) |
Probarse | Try on |
Talla | Size |
Probadores | Changing rooms |
Devolver el dinero | Refund |
Ticket | Receipt |
Probarse | Try on |
Pasar un producto | Add up |
Anuncio | Advertisement |
Efectivo | Cash |
Cambio (de dinero) | Change |
Cambiar (un producto) | Exchange |
Cargar (en la tarjeta) | Charge |
Caja (para pagar) | Checkout counter |
Rebajado | On sale |
Descuento | Off |
Devolver (un producto) | Take back |
Anuncio | Advertisement |
Dependiente | (shop) assistant |
Cuello vuelto | Turtle neck |
Cuello vuelto | Turtle neck |
Informal | Casual |
Cómodo/a | Comfortable |
Ancho | Loose |
Grande | Large |
Moda | Fashion |
Combinar | Match (v.) |
Smart | Elegante |
Estrecho, apretado | Tight |
Favorecedor | Flattering |
Desaliñado (mal vestido) | Scruffy |
Con dibujos | Patterned |
Liso (de un color) | Plain |
Cuello vuelto | Turtle neck |
Roto,rasgado | Ripped |
A rayas | Striped |
A cuadros | Checked |