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20 questions
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Skills needed in studying contemporary issues | Identifying sources, distinguishing fact from opinion, identifying bias and forming inferences, generalization and conclusions |
Author is present during event/experience | Primary source |
Quotes from primary sources | Secondary source |
Educated guess | Inference |
Generalization | Involves a mental process where one connects information to make a summary statement |
Conclusion | A statement that describes relationship among information or data after careful examination |
Natural disasters | Adverse events that result from natural processes of earth |
El nino | Seasonal warming of the pacific ocean ; causes droughts in the northern PH |
La nina | Weather phenoma characterized by unusually cold ocean temp. in the equatorial pacific which causes increased numbers of the tropical storms |
Typhoon | Large storm system having a circular or spiral system of violent winds, typically hundreds of kilometers or miles in diameter. The winds spiral around a region of low atmospheric pressure. |
Storm surges | Abnormal rise of water generated by a storm, over and above the predicted astronomical tides |
Flooding | Temporary overflow of water onto land that is normally dry |
Landslide | Movement down slope of a rock, debris, earth or soil (soil being a mixture of earth and debris |
Volcanic eruption | Volcano is an opening in the earth's crust that allows molten rock, gases and debris to escape the surface |
Effects | Devastating typhoons Volcanic Eruptions Disastrous earthquakes Deadly Storm Surges |
Preparing for natural disasters | Storm Warnings ○ PAGASA - DOST issues public storm warnings to inform the public of the strength of an upcoming tropical cyclone or typhoons |