spanish enviroment
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41 questions
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The traffic jam | El atasco |
El atasco | The traffic jam |
Rubbish | La basura |
La basura | Rubbish |
The hole | El agujero |
El agujero | The hole |
The increase | El aumento |
El aumento | The increase |
Decrease | Bajar |
Bajar | Decrease |
The blame | La culpa |
La culpa | The blame |
Container | El envase |
El envase | Container |
Disturbing | Inquietante |
Inquietante | Disturbing |
Oil spill | La marea negra |
La marea negra | Oil spill |
Resource | El recurso |
El recurso | Resource |
Jungle | La selva |
La selva | Jungle |
Drought | La sequía |
La sequía | Drought |
Threaten | Amenazar |
Amenazar | Threaten |
Fire | El fuego |
El fuego | Fire |
Serious | Grave |
Grave | Serious |
Fire | El incendio |
El incendio | Fire |
Worldwide | Mundial |
Mundial | Worldwide |
Nature | La naturaleza |
La naturaleza | Nature |
The battery | La pila |
La pila | The battery |
Worry | Preocupado |
Preocupado | Worry |
Chemicals | Productos químicos |
Productos químicos | Chemicals |
Rechargeable | Recargable |
Recargable | Rechargeable |
Dirty | Sucio |
Sucio | Dirty |
Clean | Limpio |
Limpio | Clean |
Land | La tierra |
La tierra | Land |
To save | Ahorrar |
Ahorrar | To save |
Shower | Ducharse |
Ducharse | Shower |
Bath | Banarse |
Banarse | Bath |
Turn on | Encender |
Encender | Turn on |
Turn off | Apagar |
Apagar | Turn off |
Waste | Malgastar |
Malgastar | Waste |
Pick up | Recoger |
Recoger | Pick up |
Throw away | Tirar |
Tirar | Throw away |
The ground | El suelo |
El suelo | The ground |
Global warming | El calentamiento global |
El calentamiento global | Global warming |
Forests | Los bosques |
Los bosques | Forests |
Flood | La inundacion |
La inundacion | Flood |
Famine | Hambre |
Hambre | Famine |
Poverty | Pobreza |
Pobreza | Poverty |
Homeless | Sin techo |
Sin techo | Homeless |
Tree | El árbol |
El árbol | Tree |