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39 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
Drink | Bebe |
Eat | Come |
Read | Lee |
Write | Escribe |
A Girl | Una Nina |
A Boy | Un Nino |
A Woman | Una Mujer |
A Man | Un Hombre |
Run | Corre |
Boys | Los Ninos |
Girls | Las Ninas |
Women | Las Mujeres |
Men | Los Hombres |
Cook | Cocina |
Swim | Nada |
Apple | Una Manzana |
Milk | Leche |
Water | Aqua |
An Egg | Un Huevo |
Bread | Pan |
Coffee | Cafe |
Rice | Arroz |
A Dog | Un Perro |
A Cat | Un Gato |
A Horse | Un Caballo |
A Car | Un Carro |
A Newspaper | Un Periodico |
A Bicycle | Una Bicicleta |
Walk | Caminia |
Book | Libro |
Pen | Boligrafo |
Fish | Un Pez |
Sleep | Duerme |
Drive | Maneja |
What is this? | Que es esto? |
She | Ella |
He | El |
They (male) | Ellos |
They (female) | Ellas |