Systems 1b Practical Anatomy - Respiratory System
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Systems 1b Practical Anatomy - Respiratory System - Leaderboard
Systems 1b Practical Anatomy - Respiratory System - Details
86 questions
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Sternum anterioly, vertebrae T1-12 posterioly and ribs 1-12 laterally | What structures are in the thoracic wall |
Clavicle (in the sternoclavicular joints) | What bones articulate with the manubrium at its superolateral angles? |
Plane hyaline cartilaginous joints | What type of joints are the sternoclavicular ones? |
Jugular notch | What is the name given to the median notch formed by the superior borders of the manubrium? |
Cartilaginous section of the lower end of the sternum that isnt attached to any ribs and gradually ossifies later on in life, located at T10 | What is the xiphiod process and where is it located? |
Vertebrial level T4, rib 2 | Where is the sternomanubrial joint (sternal angle)? |
Head, neck,tubrercle,angle,costal groove, attchement of ribs/costal cartilage | Name the different parts of a typical rib (3-9) |
1-7 | Which ribs are true ribs? |
8-12 | Which ribs are false ribs? |
11-12 | Which ribs are floating ribs |
Short, wide and flat, scalene tubercle (for attachment of anterior scalene muscle), subclavian artery groove, subclavian vein groove | What define the first rib? |
Body with head, transverse process with tubercle | What do the demi-facets of thoracic vertebrae articulate with? |
First ribs, T1, manubrium | Which bones form the thoracic inlet? |
T12, rib 11-12, costal cartilage of 7-10, xiphiod process | Which bones/costal cartilages form the thoracic outlet? |
A)1-7, b)8-10 | Which costal cartilages are a) attached directly to sternum and b) attached indirectly? |
Located under ribs and comprise of veins, arteries and nerves | What are the neurovascular bundles? |
External intercostal (superficial), Internal intercostal (intermediate), innermost intercostal (deep) | What are the three intercostal muscles |
Costal groove (underneath rib), between the internal and innermost intercostal muscles | Where and between which two muscles is the neurovascular bundle located? |
Anteriorly- tranverse thoracis muscles posteriorly- subcostal muscles the intercostal muscles also end in an internal (posterior) and external (anterior) intercostal membrane | What other muscles make up the intercostal space? |
At the top of each rib | Where is the collateral branch of the neurovascular bundle located? |
In the fifth intercostal space in the midaxillary line | Where is chest drain normally inserted? |
Mucosa (epithelium + lamina propria), submucosa, cartilage, adventitia | What is the composition of the extrapulmonary tubes (trachea + bronchi outside of lungs) from lumen to outside of tube? |
Hyaline and smooth muscle | What type of cartilage and muscle fibres are found in the respiratory tract? |
Goblet cells and ciliated cells | What are the two types of cell found in the epithelial layer? |
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium | What is the name of the respiratory epithelium |
Mucus | What substance is secreted by the glands in the submucosa (submucosal glands)? |
Trachialis muscle | What is the name given to the smooth muscle found in the posterior wall of the trachea? |
Eosphagus | What tubular structure lies immediatly prosterior to the trachea? |
Hyaline cartilage (all layrgeal cartilages are hyaline except epiglottis which is elastic) | What cartilage makes up the laryngeal prominence (adams apple) |
Epiglottis | What structure prevents solids and liquids entering the larygeal inlet? |
Carina | What is the keel shaped cartilage ring at the bifurcation of the trachea called? |
Pulmonary plexus from upper thoracic vertebrae levels and parasympathetic fibres from the vagus nerve | How is the LRT innovated (trachea and main bronchi) |
Common carotid arteries in neck and vagus nerves | What lies immediatly lateral to the trachea? |
Right main bronchus gives off a superior branch just before it enters the lung (the superior lobar bronchus) | Which bronchi branches before it enters the lung? |
The structures that enter and leave the lung at the hilum | What is the root of the lung? |
Main bronchus, pulmonary artery, superior pulmonary vein, inferior pulmonary vein | What structures make up the root of the lung? |
Liver | Which abdominal organ causes the right lung to be shorter and thicker? |
Endothoracic fascia/suprapleural membrane (its fuction is to ensure the rigidity of the thoracic inlet when breathing) | What fascial membrane covers the apex of the lung? |
Bronchopulmonary lymph nodes (bifurcation of bronchi at hilum), these then drain into the tracheobronchial nodes at the bifurcation of the trachea | Where do the lymphatics of the visceral pleura and lungs drain to? |
Lung segments with individual air and blood supplies which can be surgically removed without adversely affecting the neighbouring segments | What are bronchopulmonary segments? |
Plates of hyaline cartilage | What tissue is present in the wall of the bronchus that allows it to be easily identified? |
One posterior bronchus, one superior pulmonary artery and superior and inferior pulmonary veins (both below the bronchus) | Left lung root |
Eparterial (above) and hypertial (below) | Name the two bronchi in the right hilum |
Blood circulation in lungs, deoxygenated blood from right ventricle via arteries and returns oxygenated blood via veins to left atrium | What is the pulmonary circulation? |
T2 | What dermatome supplies the skin at the sternal angle? |
In the armpit | Where are the axillary lymph nodes located |
Around large veins | Where do lymph nodes tent to be clustered? |
Between ribs 2-6 and between the lateral border of the sternum and midaxillary line | Where is the glandular part of the breast located? |
Extensive adipose (fatty) tissue | What is the glandular part of the breast surrounded by? |
The anterior (pectoral) group of axillary lymph | Where does the majority of the lymph drain into? |
Right as has the liver underneath | Which dome of the diaphragm reaches higher and why? |
The part where no gas exchange occurs, this is from trachea through to the terminal bronchioles | What is the conducting portion of the respiratory system? |
Bronchioles have no hyaline cartilage | How do you distinguish bronchioles from bronchus? |
Their diameter is controlled by smooth muscle tone so they can be almost totally occluded if these muscle cells contract | Whats the danger of an asthma attack to bronchioles? |
Elastic tissue and reticular fibres (collagen) | Name two types of connective tissue found in alveoli |
Macrophages- phagocytosis, and breakdown any particles/pathogens in the lungs preventing infection Type I pneumocytes- very thin and large surface area to allow gas exchange Type II pneumocytes- produce surfactant that reduces water tension and makes breathing easier | Name 3 types of cell found in avleoli walls and give their function |
Double layer of serous membrane that surround the lung (outer parietal layer and inner visceral layer) | What is the pleura? |
Space between these two membranes that contains the pleural fluid | What is the pleaural cavity? |
The visceral plura (adhered to the lungs) | Which layer of the pleura enters and lines the fissures of the lungs? |
The parietal pluera which is innovated by the phrenic and intercostal nerves (the visceral is only sensitive to stretch and supplied by pulmonary plexus) | Which pleura is sensitive to pain? |
Mediastinal, diaphragmatic, costal and apical | The parietal pleura is named according to its location in the thoracic cavity, name these 4 different areas |
Occurs when the parietal pleura lining one surface of the chest wall changes it direction to line another surface ie costal to diaphragmatic, its named the costo-diapgragmatic reflection | What is a pleural reflection and how are they named? |
Midclavicular line a)rib 6 b)rib 8 midaxillary line a)rib 8 b) rib 10 midscapular line a)rib 10 b)rib 12 There is always a 2 intercostal space difference between the inefrior border of the lung and parietal pleura | What is the number of the rib at which the inferior border of the a) lung and b) parietal pleura descend to in the midaxillary, midclavicular and midscapula lines? |
The heart | What organ occupies the notch seen in the anterior border of the left lung between ribs 4-6? |
6th | The oblique fissure follows the course of which rib? |
4th | The horizontal fissure lies at the level of which rib? |
Vertebrae level C7 to T10 | The posterior border of the lung extends from where to where? |
9th intercostal space | At what place in the midaxillary line is it safe to aspirate? |
Left + right domes, central tendon, left and right crus, openings/hiatuses for IVC, Oesophagus, Aorta | Structure of the diaphragm |
Left- L1-2, Right- L1-3 | To which vertebrae are the left and right crura attached? |
Clover (trefoil) | What is the shape of the central tendon? |
Central tendon | To which tendon is the diaphragm attached? |
Xiphiod process | To which part of the sternum is the diaphragm attached? |
T8 | On what level does the opening for the inferior vena cava occur? |
T10 | On what level does the opening for the oesophagus occur |
T12 | On what level does the opening for the aorta occur? |
Abnormal protrusion of a structure into the thorax through tear or weakness in the diaphragm ie caused by coughing, heavy lifting ect | What is a hiatus hernia? |
Paired phrenic nerves (both motor and sensory) and lower intercostal nerves provide sensory supply to periphery parts | What nerves supply the diaphragm? |
C3,4,5 (keep the diaphragm alive) injury at these levels may cause paralysis of the diaphragm | What vertebrae contribute to the phrenic nerve? |
Penetrating injuries below the nipples should be suspected of causing damage to the diaphragm | Penetrating injuries of the diaphragm |