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32 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
Maternity leave | A period of time when a woman temporarily leaves her job to have a baby |
Content | Information, images, video, etc. that are included as part of something such as a website |
Auditory memory | The ability to retain and recall that which is heard. |
Associate | To link; to group together |
Early adopter | A person who starts using a product or technology as soon as it becomes available |
Doomscrolling | The activity of spending a lot of time looking at your phone or computer and reading bad or negative news stories |
Doomed | Likely to have an unfortunate and inescapable outcome; ill-fated. |
Overloaded | Given too much to cope with |
Oversee | To supervise |
Counterintuitive | Goes against your gut feeling or common sense |
Overwhelmed | Overpowered |
Core | Fundamental |
Tenuous | Weak,vague |
Embrace | Accept readily |
To foresee | To see or know ahead of time |
A burden | A hardship; something difficult to bear |
Dismiss | Put away from consideration; reject |
Kick out | To force someone to leave a place or organization |
Put to use | To apply, to utilize |
Hotshot employee | A worker who is very successful |
An exaggeration | Saying that something is better/worse/more/less than it really is |
Live up to | Reach an expected standard |
Rack up | To accumulate |
Toy with | To play with, not take seriously |
Walk somebody through | To slowly and carefully explain to someone how to do something |
Be stretched thin | Not have sufficient resources to carry out tasks, have too much work |
Float around | To move without a specific purpose |
Be side-lined | To stop someone taking an active and important part in something |
Credentials | Written evidence showing that a person has a right to a certain position or authority |
Intimidated by | Frightened or nervous because you are not confident in a situation |
Back up | To support |
For kicks | For fun |