Business Idioms -Part 1
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Business Idioms -Part 1 - Leaderboard
Business Idioms -Part 1 - Details
21 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
In the black | Have money in the bank and not be in debt. |
Keep your eye on the ball | Give your attention to what you are doing at the time. |
Gain ground | Become more popular or successful. |
A win-win situation | A situation that is good for everyone who is involved. |
Be on a roll | Be experiencing a period of success or good luck. |
The sky's the limit | There is no limit to what can be gained or achieved. |
(it's) back to the drawing board | Back to the beginning of a process to start it again because it isn't working. |
Make headway | Make progress. |
(it's) full speed ahead | Moving with the greatest speed or energy. |
The ball's in (the client's) court | If the ball is in someone's court, they have to do something before any progress can be made. |
Cut corners | Do something in a hasty or careless way so as to save time or money. |
In the driver's seat | Be in control of a situation. |
Be on (one's) toes | Be active, alert and ready to react quickly. |
Not take something lying down | Refuse to accept something without resistance. |
Take the bull by the horns | Deal with a problem or difficult situation directly and confidently. |
Have the upper hand | Have more power than anyone else and be in control. |
(something is) out of my hands | Something is not in my power to do. |
Out of the loop | Not involved in the decision-making process. |
Throw in the towel | Surrender, give up, quit. |
Like a headless chicken | Disorganised, uncontrolled, in a panic. |
(someone's) hands are tied | Someone is powerless, unable to influence events. |