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105 questions
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Unjustly inflicting hardship and constraint, especially on a minority or other subordinate group. | Oppressive |
Lacking energy or enthusiasm | Listless |
Extremely surprised or shocked. | Thunderstruck |
Formal and dignified. | Solemn |
A particular physical form or condition of something or someone that is changing or developing: | Incarnation |
Guilty of or involving betrayal or deception | Treacherous |
Enthusiasm or passion. | Ardour |
Immoral or grossly unfair behavior. | Iniquities |
Under a curse. | Accursed |
An area of ground where bricks are made. | Brickfield |
Give a new name to. | Rechristen |
Renounce one's throne. | Abdicate |
A piece of thick textile fabric with pictures or designs formed by weaving colored weft threads | Tapestry |
A sleep | Slumber |
Represent as or by an instance. | Instantiate |
Darkish in color | Dusky |
A person who uses a plow. | Ploughman |
A railing supported by balusters | Balustrade |
An expostulatory remark or address | Expostulation |
The state of being fat; obesity. | Corpulence |