trivia exam parcial 1 english 5
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248 questions
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Cuales son los usos del presente simple | To discribe rutines, habits, and permanet facts. |
Menciona stative verbs | Like love, agree,belong,depend,hate,hear,matter,need,prefer,mean,want,suppose,realize,seem,forget,rembember |
¿cual es el uso del preset progrssive o continue? | Actions happening now,temporally situations,near future arrengements. |
¿´para que usamos will? | For espontanius decions,promise,offers,request,predictions without evidence |
¿para que usamos going to? | For plans ,intencions,predictions with evidence |
Para que se usa each other. | When is mutual situation |
Meciona " time spreassions " de presente simple | Always oftten, in the morning, in the afternoon, sometimes, everyday,wekend, month |
Menciona time espression de present progressive | Today, tonight,right now,tomorrow, next week,now,next year, next month,next friday on next week |
Auxiliares que se utilizan en pasado simple | Was/ were, did didn't + verb in simple form |
En que tiempo se le agrega ing? | Present progresive or continues. |
Presente simple afirmativo | Subject + verb( add s when is third person singular)+c |
Estructura de presente simple negativo | Subject+don't or doesn't+verb simple form no add s+ time expression. |
Estructura de presente simple interrogativo | Do or does + subject+verb simple form+c'? |
Estructura de presente progressivo afirmativo | Subject+verb to be (is or are) +verb end ing+c |
Estructura de presente progressivo negativo | Subject+verb to be(isn´t or aren't)+verb ing+c |
Estructura de presente progressivo pregunta | Are/is +subject+verb simple form+c? |
Bajo en grasas | Low-fat |
Pepino | Cucumber |
Calabacin | Zucchini |
Frambuezas | Raspberries |
Lechuga | Lettuce |
Crudo | Raw |
Comida para llevar | Take out |
Picante | Spicy |
Huevo hervido | Boiled egg |
Verduras Al vapor | Steamed vegetables |
Mariscos | Seafood |
Enlatado | Canned |
Fresco | Fresh |
Congelado | Frozen |
Cangrejo | Crab |
Mejillones | Mussels |
Calamar | Squid |
Camaron | Shrimp |
Fresas | Strawberries |
Pimiento rojo | Red pepper |
Repollo | Cabbage |
Berenjena | Eggplant |
Cordero | Lamb |
Cerdo | Pork |
Atun | Tuna |
Pollo | Chicken |
Res | Beef |
Remolacha | Beet |
Cerezas | Cherries |
Uvas | Grapes |
Judías verdes | Green beans |
Durazno | Peach |
Pera | Pear |
Pollo rostizado | Roasted chicken |
Pescado a la parrilla | Grilled fish |
Papa al horno | Baked potato |
Frito | Fried |
Reducir cierta comida | Cut down on |
Casi crudo | Rare |
Medio hecho | Médium rare |
Termino medio | Medium |
Tres cuartos | Medium well |
Bien cocido | Well done |
Bien cocido | Well done |
Aprendiz | Irainee |
Langostinos | Prawns |
Aperitivo | Appetizer |
Postre | Dessert |
Estofado | Casserol |
Mercado | Market |
Hongos | Mushrooms |
Melón | Melon |
Mango | Mango |
Limón | Lemon |
Cebolla | Onion |
Ajo | Garlic |
Compañeros de clase | Classmates |
Compañeros de trabajo | Coworkers |
Pareja | Couple |
Ex novio , ex novia | Ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend |
Prometido o prometida | Fiancé / fiancée |
Amigos en común | Mutual friends |
Compañeros de cuarto | Roommates |
Hermanos y hermanas | Siblings |
Madrastra | Stepmother |
Hermanastra | Stepsister |
Amigo íntimo | Close friend |
Padres | Parents |
Bisabuelo | Great-grandfather |
Tio | Uncle |
Sobrino | Nephew |
Sobrina | Niece |
Bisabuela | Great grandmother |
Cuñado | Brother in law |
Cuñada | Sister in law |
Suegro | Father in law |
Suegra | Mother in law |
Hijo unico | Only child |
Hijo | Child |
Medio hermano | Half brother |
Media hermana | Half-sister |
Divorciados | Divorced |
Colega | Colleague |