Types of study techniques
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13 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
What is spaced repetition? | Spaced repetition is a study technique where we space the repetition of a particular subject or skill over a period of time. |
Describe an example of the frequency between in spaced repetition schedule? | Review after 1 day, then after 3 days, then after 1 week, then after 1 month. |
How is cramming different from spaced repetition? | Cramming is when we try to condense all the subjects we need to learn in a short period of time. Spaced repetition involves spacing out the times where we review one subject. Cramming often does not lead to long term storage of information. Spaced repetition has a higher likelihood of storing the information in long term memory. |
What is the forgetting cycle? | The forgetting cycle suggests that we forget things at an exponential rate if not recalled (like a half-life of a radioactive atom). Spaced repetition interrupts the forgetting cycle and resets it, thus improves chances of it being in long term memory. |
Why is spaced repetition effective? | Spaced repetition is effective because it allows the brain to forget a bit so it will work harder to recall the memories. Over time, this will strengthen the connection of neurons in our brain. Spaced repetition also does not stress the brain with too much information and instead gives it time to absorb and process it. |
Can we do spaced repetition if we just study for one day? If yes, how? | Yes we can. For example, we have 3 topics to review: Topic A, B and C. We can start by studying Topic A for 1 hour. Then after a break, before moving on to Topic B, we try to recall what we learn about Topic A. We rate how difficult it was to recall Topic A. After that, once the review Topic B is done, we take a break. Before we start studying Topic C, we recall what we learn of Topic B and rate the difficulty. Finally, we review Topic C and try to recall all 3 topics at the end of the day. But it is recommend that we space it out over 1 day, 3 days, 1 week and 1 month. |
What is active recall/active recollection/practice testing? | Active recall is retrieving stuff from the brain, which strengthens the connection between neurons. |
How can we do active recall? | We can use: Flashcards Past year questions Forming questions Write summaries Practice often Mind maps |
How can we active recall as we're listening to a lecture? | We write our own questions about the concepts/information in the lecture and afterwards we answer them. It can be in digital or on our notebooks. |
Is rereading, highlighting and making notes effective? | It is not effective because it is rote learning/memorising. It's better to active engage the material and try to understand for ourselves how best to apply it. |
Can active recall and space repetition work hand in hand? | Yes. Combining the two learning techniques is found to be incredibly effective for long term storage of information |
Is studying with music effective? | Maybe. It depends on 3 factors: your personality type, the type of work and the type of music. |
If you prefer to listening to music, what is the best type of music to listen to while studying? | Preferably a song that has no lyrics. A melody that doesn't change too often. And most importantly, the music is something we enjoy listening. |
What is the best way to study? | The best way to study is using spaced repetition and active recall |
So what's new? | Nothing much |