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Upstream Chapter C+

In English

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block out a thought

to try not to think about something.

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205 questions
Block out a thought
To try not to think about something.
Channel one’s efforts into something
To attempt to do one thing rather than a wider range of things, to concentrate on sth
The ability to see what is likely to happen in the future and to take appropriate action
The skill of being careful to say or do things that will not offend people
The ability to make somebody believe that something is true
Team spirit
The feeling of pride and loyalty that exists among the members of a team and makes them want their team to do well or be the best
Set a goal
To decide on what one hopes to achieve
Pursue a goal
To make efforts to achieve something, often over a long period of time
Gut instinct
A feeling based on emotion rather than reason
Push beyond one’s limits
To try to do something new or difficult, something that requires effort
To decide on what the meaning or significance of something is
A long spear used in sports competitions
Claw one’s way
To move somewhere with great difficulty, trying desperately to find things to hold on to
Be in contention for something
To have a chance of winning something
Likely, possible
To become automatic
Become second nature
Channel one´s efforts
To attempt to do one thing rather than a wider range of things, to concentrate on sth
Ability to attract, influence and inspire people by one’s personal qualities
Claw back
To get back (something) with difficulty
Satisfied with things as they are
To authorize and send (another person) as one's representative
Having a harmful or damaging effect on sth
A sharp downward course; a drop
Disappointed with something that did not meet one’s expectations
Annoyed or angered about something
Outer circumstances
Doing the legwork
Doing the physical work.
From rags to riches
Going from very poor to very rich.
Get / earn a salary
Receive money for your work
Prosperous, wealthy
As long as they are prepared to really stretch themselves
On the condition that people are ready to work hard.
Smiling happily.
Become a little wearing
Mentally or physically tiring.
Carried off
Won unexpectedly
Carry on
Carry out
Carry over: spread
Act of extending over a wider scope or expanse of space or time
Live up to something
To prove equal to, to carry out. to achieve what is expected.
Leave no stone unturned
Try every possible course of action in order to achieve something.
Inner circumstances
(in)capable of being overcome; (in)superable
So different in nature as to be incapable of coexisting.
A high-achiever
Those people who achieve a goal. In school, it would be a student who gets high marks, good grades. They do the work that is required and do it well.
Get sidetracked
To delay the progress of something by causing people to waste time on something else that is unimportant
A tiny amount or proportion of something
The ability to see what is likely to happen in the future and to take appropriate action
Inch your way towards (something)
To move or cause to move slowly or by small degrees
Get / gain / earn a reputation
Become recognised by a certain characteristic or ability
Get / gain / earn some body respect
Become esteemed, highly regarded.
Get / gain / earn /win a title
Receive a descriptive or distinguishing name
Get / gain experience
Form an understanding of
Producing wealth; profitable
Phrase which describes something that makes you extremely nervous.
Causing slight but persistent annoyance, discomfort, or anxiety.
On the spur of the moment
Suddenly; without previous planning
One of the ways in which a number of things can be ordered or arranged
Plug away at something
To keep trying very hard to do something even though it is difficult
Query = inquiry
A question, especially one expressing doubt or requesting information.
(of a person or animal) able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.
Being very harsh or cruel
A captain of a ship or boat
Get / gain the advantage over
Achieve a better position
Get / gain / win / earn a promotion
Receive a better salary or position
The going was rough
It was not easy.
Take something by storm
To suddenly be very successful in a particular place or with a particular group of people
Through thick and thin
In good times and bad
To boost your confidence
To increase your confidence
To seize
Take hold of; grab
To tackle
To undertake to handle, master, solve; to deal with (a person) on some problem, issue, etc.
Not discouraged or dissuaded.
Not worried, bothered
Racked or devastated by war.
Comprehensively developed and well-balanced in a range or variety of aspects
Work wonders
Do a lot of good for something
Ungrateful people.
Keeping up with the Joneses
Competing with those around them.
Keep on top of things
Control the goings-on
The lack of cohesion between the reality and the message
In reality he did not do it that way himself.
Need a helping hand
To require assistance/support.
To combat
Take action to reduce or prevent (something bad or undesirable)
To retrain
Teach sb / learn new skills to enable them to do a different job.
Obtain (information) from various sources, often with difficulty
The practice of children staying away from school without permission
Lay off
Not to employ any longer, usually when there is not enough work to do
(adj) = (of a problem) that needs to be dealt with immediately
Keeping one’s identity secret from others
A young person who behaves in a noisy and violent way in a public place
The careful watching of sb by the police or army
An advanced traveller information system which uses sensors and cameras to record changes in speed, number plates