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Episode One - Oral Civics Test

In English
Episode One - Oral Civics Test

Created by:
Matt Hendricks

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What is the form of governmet in the United States?

• Republic • Constitution-based federal republic • Representative democracy

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26 questions
What is the form of governmet in the United States?
• Republic • Constitution-based federal republic • Representative democracy
Name one thing the U.S. Constitution does.
• Forms the government • Defines powers of government • Defines the parts of government • Protects the rights of the people
The U.S. Constitution starts with the words “We the People.” What does “We the People” mean?
• Self-government • Popular sovereignty • Consent of the governed • Social Contract
How are changes made to the U.S. Constitution?
• Amendments • The amendment process
What does the Bill of Rights protect?
•Rights of Americans •Rights of people living in the United States
Why is the Declaration of Independence important?
• It says America is free from British control. • It says all people are created equal. • It identifies inherent rights. • It identifies individual freedoms.
Name two important ideas from the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.
• Equality • Liberty • Social contract • Natural rights • Limited government • Self-government
What is the economic system of the United States?
• Capitalism • Free market economy
What is the rule of law?
• Everyone must follow the law. • Leaders must obey the law. • Government must obey the law. • No one is above the law.
Many documents influenced the U.S. Constitution. Name one.
• Declaration of Independence • Articles of Confederation • Federalist Papers • Anti-Federalist Papers • Virginia Declaration of Rights • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut • Mayflower Compact • Iroquois Great Law of Peace
There are three branches of government. Why?
• So one part does not become too powerful • Checks and balances • Separation of powers
Name the three branches of government.
• Legislative, Executive, and Judicial • Congress, President, and the Courts
What part of the federal government writes laws?
• Congress • Legislature • Legislative branch
What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress?
Senate and House (of Representatives)
Name one power of the U.S. Congress.
• Writes laws • Declares war • Makes the federal budget
Who is one of your state’s U.S. senators now?
Answers will vary. [District of Columbia residents and residents of U.S. territories should the territory where the applicant lives) has no U.S. senators.]