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Vegetables and fruits - Leaderboard
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80 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
Alface | Lettuce |
Tomate | Tomato |
Quiabo | Okra |
Jiló | Scarlet eggplant |
Berinjela | Eggplant |
Batata | Potato |
Cebola | Onion |
Alho | Garlic |
Pepino | Cucumber |
Brócolis | Broccoli |
Espinafre | Spinach |
Repolho | Cabbage |
Couve-flor | Cauliflower |
Rúcula | Arugula |
Abobrinha | Zucchini |
Salsinha | Parsley |
Beterraba | Beet |
Pimentão | Bell pepper |
Rabanete | Radish |
Aipo | Celery |
Alho-poró | Leek |
Cenoura | Carrot |
Pimenta | Pepper |
Milho | Corn |
Ervilha | Pea |
Palmito | Heart of palm |
Picles | Pickles |
Chuchu | Chayote |
Uva passa | Raisin |
Cogumelo | Mushroom |
Azeitona | Olive |
Melancia | Watermelon |
Goiaba | Guava |
Morango | Strawberry |
Maçã | Apple |
Pêssego | Peach |
Abacate | Avocado |
Banana | Banana |
Amora silvestre | Blackberry |
Framboesa | Raspberry |
Mirtilo | Blueberry |
Melão | Melon |
Caju | Cashew |
Cereja | Cherry |
Coco | Coconut |
Groselha | Gooseberry |
Cacau | Cocoa |
Uva | Grape |
Jaca | Jackfruit |
Kiwi | Kiwi |
Limão (Siciliano) | Lemon |
Manga | Mango |
Limão taiti | Lime |
Laranja | Orange |
Mamão | Papaya |
Maracujá | Passion fruit |
Pera | Pear |
Caqui | Persimmon |
Abacaxi | Pineapple |
Romã | Pomegranate |
Carambola | Starfruit |
Mexerica, tangerina | Tangerine |
Lichia | Lychee |
Agrião | Watercress |
Vagem | Green beans |
Gengibre | Ginger |
Mandioca | Manioc |
Abóbora | Pumpkin |
Cebolinha | Spring onion |
Coentro | Cilantro |
Verduras, vegetais (termo geral) | Vegetables |
Frutas | Fruit |
Manjericão | Basil |
Hortelã | Peppermint |
Alcachofra | Artichoke |
Couve | Collard greens |
Acerola | Barbados cherry |
Tomate cereja | Cherry tomato |
Menta | Mint |
Limão taiti | Lime |
NA | NA |
Cacau | Cocoa |