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To be released | Estrenarse |
Main character | Protagonista |
Humble | Humilde |
Native | Originario |
To flee | Huir |
To be based on | Sustentarse de |
Livestock | Ganado |
Vineyard | Viñedo |
Wind energy | Energía eólica |
To take place | Tener lugar |
Working-class neighbourhood | Barrio obrero |
To take place | Transcurrir |
Populated | Poblado |
Wake | Velatorio |
The following night | La noche posterior |
The deceased | El difunto |
Relative | El familiar |
Event | El acontecimiento |
Experiences | Las vivencias |
Gossip | Chisme |
The deceased | El ser fallecido |
Pending | Pendiente |
Rumour | La habladuria |
To dare | Atreverse |
To draw on | Nutirse de |
Survivor | Superviviente |
Overwhelming | Abrumador |
Absent minded | Despistado |
Spirit | La fogosidad |
To welcome | Acoger |
To warn | Advertir |
Soul | Alma |
Chest freezer | El arcon frigorifico |
To sort out | Arreglar |
To agree | Asentir |
To attend | Asistir a |
Astonished | Atonito |
Exercise bike | Bicicleta estática |
Shameful | Vergonzoso |
The stew | El cocido |
To confess | Confesar |
In the background | De fondo |
To report | Denunciar |
Disappearance | Desaparición |
Terrified | Despavorido |
To give back | Devolver |
To cover up | Encubrir |
Burial | Entierro |
To hide | Esconder |
Astonishment | El estupor |
Ghost | Fantasma |
Van | Furgoneta |
Fire | Incendio |
Disbelief | Incredulidad |
Unfaithful | Infiel |
Gravestone | Lápida |
Boot of a car | El maltero |
Manchegan | Manchego |
Arousal | El morbo |
To smell | Oler |
Peace | Paz |
Request | Petición |
To set fire | Prender fuego |
To fall pregnant | Quedarse embarazada |
To reproach | Recriminar |
Reunion | Reencuentro |
To quarrel with | Reñir con |
To pray | Rezar |
Filming | Rodaje |
To dye | Teñir |
Tender | Tierno |
Deal | Trato |
Grave | Tumba |
Trench | Zanja |
Spanish light opera | La zarzuela |
Decisive | Algido |
The matter | El asunto |
The song | El canto |
The coincidence | La casualidad |
Cathartic | Catartico |
Awareness-raising | La concienciacion |
The funeral procession | El cortejo funebre |
Gossip | El cotilleo |
Harmful | Danino |
Give rise to | Dar lugar a |
Cold meat | El embutido |
The burial | El entierro |
Fond | Entranable |
Setting | La esconografia |
Shudder someone | Estremecer a alguien |
The tear | La lagrima |
Liberating | Liberador |
Fighter | Luchador |
Native | Natal |
The countryman | El paisano |
The key role | El papel clave |
Astonishing | Pasmoso |
Flirtatious | Pizpireto |
To meet again | Reecontrarse |
Smile | Sonreir |