Who We Are
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26 questions
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Principled | Learner Profile: doing the right thing when nobody is looking. |
Every friendship is: | Different. |
Balanced | Learner Profile: making choices that allow you to have a healthy lifestyle. |
The two most important qualities of a friendship are: | Trust and respect. |
Reflective | Learner Profile: thinking about something that happened or something you did to try and improve next time. |
Caring | Learner Profile: showing that you take an interest in the well-being of others. |
Communicator | Learner Profile: using your listening and speaking skills to build healthy relationships. |
Knowledgeable | Learner Profile: using what you know and understand about the world to support new learning. |
Risk-taker | Learner Profile: stepping out of your comfort zone to grow and to try new things. |
Thinker | Learner Profile: looking at problems from different angles, trying to figure something out. |
Inquirer | Learner Profile: asking questions and setting up investigations to dig deeper into the unknown. |
Open-minded | Learner Profile: listening to the ideas of others and understanding that having different opinions and perspectives is a positive thing. |
What is 'digital media'? | Information that comes to us through the internet, often through a tablet, smartphone, or laptop. |
What does 'culture' (noun) mean? | Culture is made up of what you might see or experience in a place or in a community of people. |
What does 'media balance' mean? | Using media in a way that feels healthy and in balance with other life activities (family, friends, school, hobbies, etc). |
What are cultural 'beliefs' (noun)? | Ideas and practices that are learned and shared across groups of people. |
What are cultural 'traits' (noun)? | The qualities and characteristics of a group of people, or a person, that are often visible (you can see them). |
What does 'race' (noun) mean? | The idea that people can be grouped together by their physical characteristics. |
What is 'media' (noun)? | All the ways that large groups of people get and share information (TV, books, the internet, newspapers, phones, etc.) |
What are 'traditions' (noun)? | Customs and/or beliefs passed on from one generation to the next. |
What does 'traditional' (adjective) mean? | Actions and behaviours that come out of a person's traditions. |
What does 'community' (noun) mean? | A group of people with beliefs, values, or interests in common. |
What does 'religion' (noun) mean? | A set of organised beliefs, practices, and systems that most often connect to the worship of a specific figure. |
What is a 'generation' (noun)? | All of the people born and living at about the same time. |
What is a 'legend' (noun)? | An old story that is widely believed but cannot be proved to be true. |
What is a 'citizen' (noun)? | A person who officially belongs to a country and has the rights and protection of that country. |
What does 'immigrant' (noun) mean? | A person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country. |
What does 'resilience' (noun) mean? | The ability to recover quickly from difficulties; bouncing back from failure. |
What does 'discrimination' (noun) mean? | The negative treatment of someone based on how they look, where they are from, or what they believe. |
What does 'influence' (verb) mean? | To cause someone to change a behaviour, belief, or opinion. |
What are cultural 'values' (noun)? | The main ideas that a culture thinks are important. For example, hard work, honesty, or protecting the environment. |