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32 questions
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The flight | El vuelo |
El vuelo | The flight |
Any | Cualquier, Cualquiera |
No one, nobody | Nadie |
Nadie | No one, nobody |
Last night | Anoche |
Anoche | Last night |
Some | Algun, Alguno |
Algun, Alguno | Some |
Late | Tarde |
Tarde | Late |
Available | Disponible |
Disponible | Available |
To put away, to save | Guardar |
Guardar | To put away, to save |
Somebody | Alguien |
Alguien | Somebody |
Something | Algo |
Algo | Something |
Sometimes | A veces |
A veces | Sometimes |
None | Ningun, ninguno |
Ningun, ninguno | None |
Always | Siempre |
Siempre | Always |
Early | Temprano |
Temprano | Early |
In the afternoon, in the evening | Por la tarde |
Por la tarde | In the afternoon, in the evening |
Lady | Dama |
Dama | Lady |
Crazy things | Locuras |
Locuras | Crazy things |
Frequently, often | Frequentemente |
Frequentemente | Frequently, often |
Once in a while | De vez en cuando |
De vez en cuando | Once in a while |
Time | Vez |
Vez | Time |
Forever | Para siempre |
Para siempre | Forever |
Finally | Por fin |
Por fin | Finally |
With you | Contigo |
Contigo | With you |
Just | Recién |
Recién | Just |
Vary | Variar |
Variar | Vary |
Various | Varios |
Varios | Various |
Behind | Atrás |
Atrás | Behind |
To clarify | Aclarar |
Aclarar | To clarify |
One must | Hay que |
Hay que | One must |
Anyway | De todas maneras |
De todas maneras | Anyway |
That's why | Por eso |
Por eso | That's why |
He/she said that | Dijo que |
Dijo que | He/she said that |