All Kanji to pass N3
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595 questions
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虫干し | むしぼし・airing of clothes, hanging scrolls, etc. (to prevent damage from insects and mould) |
習慣 「その習慣は中国で始まった。」 | しゅうかん・(social) custom; practice; convention |
着物 | きもの |
湿気 | しっけ・moisture; humidity; dampness |
防ぐ | ふせぐ・to defend against; to protect against |
下旬 | げじゅん・last third of a month; 21st to the last day of a month |
上旬 | じょうじゅん・first 10 days of month |
含む | ふくむ・to contain; to comprise; to have; to hold; to include; to embrace |
汚れる | よごれる・to get dirty; to become dirty |
気候 | きこう・climate |
工夫 | くふう・devising (a way); contriving; inventing; thinking up; figuring out; coming up with; working out |
現代 | げんだ・present age; present day; today |
洋服 | ようふく・western-style clothes |
役 | やく・role; assignment; responsibility; duty; function; job; service |
駐車 | ちゅうしゃ・parking |
無休 | むきゅう・without a holiday; nonstop |
満車 | まんしゃ・full parking lot |
方向 | ほうこう・direction; orientation; bearing; way |
向かう | むかう・to go towards; to head towards |
禁止 | きんし・prohibition; inhibition; ban |
関心 | かんしん・concern; interest |
駐車場 | ちゅうしゃじょう・parking lot |
満員 | まんいん・full (of people); crowded |
無断 | むだん・absence of permission; lack of permission |
開閉 | かいへい・opening and shutting |
案内 | あんない・information |
内側 | うちがわ・inside; interior; inner part |
家内 | かない・wife |
予習 | よしゅう・preparation for a lesson |
備える | そなえる・to furnish with; to equip with; to provide; to install |
観光 | かんこう・sightseeing; tourism |
観客 | かんきゃく・spectator; audience |
港 | みなと・harbour; harbor; port |
遊園地 | ゆうえんち・amusement park |
美術 | びじゅつ・art; fine arts |
美術館 | びじゅつかん・museum |
技術 | ぎじゅつ・technology; engineering |
手術 | しゅじゅつ・surgery; operation; procedure |
神社 | じんじゃ・Shinto shrine |
神経質 | しんけいしつ・nervous; highly strung; sensitive |
お寺 | おてら・temple |
市役所 | しやくしょ・municipal office; council; city hall |
郵便 | ゆうびん・mail service; postal service; mail; post |
役員 | やくいん・director; executive |
役に立つ | やくにたつ・to be helpful; to be useful |
郵便局 | ゆうびんきょく・post office |
薬局 | やっきょく・pharmacy; drugstore; chemist's (shop) |
交番 | こうばん・police box; koban; small neighborhood police station |
交換 | こうかん・exchange |
交通 | こうつう・Transport |
差 | さ・difference |
差し出す | さしだす・to present; to submit; to tender; to hold out |
差出人 | さしだしにん・sender (e.g. of mail) |
交差点 | こうさてん・crossing; intersection |
点数 | てんすう・marks; points; score; grade; runs (baseball) |
歩道橋 | ほどうきょう・footbridge; pedestrian bridge; pedestrian overpass |
橋 | はし・bridge |
公園 | こうえん・(public) park |
禁煙 | きんえん・no smoking |
様子 | ようす・appearance/situation |
協力 | きょうりょく・cooperation |
科学 | かがく・science |
管理 | かんり・control; management (e.g. of a business) |
封筒 | ふうとう・envelope |
切手 | きって・stamp (postage); merchandise certificate |
自慢 | じまん・pride, boast |
整理 | せいり・sorting; arrangement; organization; putting in order; adjustment; regulation |
博物館 | はくぶつかん・Museum |
観光地 | かんこうち・tourist attraction; sight-seeing area |
合格 | ごうかく・passing (an exam); pass; success; passing grade |
仏教 | ぶっきょう・budhism |
調子 | ちょうし・tune; tone; key; pitch; time; rhythm, condition; state of health; shape |
世紀 | せいき・century |
商品 | しょうひん・commodity; article of commerce; goods; stock; merchandise |
参加 | さんか・participation; joining; entry |
返す | かえす・to return (something); to restore; to put back |
成長 | せいちょう・growth; development; growing up; becoming an adult |
貸す | かす・to lend; to loan |
折り紙 | おりがみ・origami (paper folding) |
骨折 | こっせつ・bone fracture |
教科書 | きょうかしょ・textbook |
耳鼻科 | じびか・otolaryngology; ear, nose, and throat department |
受験 | じゅけん・taking an examination (esp. for entrance to a school or university) |
図形 | ずけい・figure; shape; graphic |
片付ける | かたづける・to tidy up; to put in order; to straighten up; to put away |
整形外科 | せいけいげか・orthopedic surgery; orthopaedic surgery; orthopedics; orthopaedics |
困る | こまる・to be troubled; to have difficulty; to be in a fix; to be at a loss; to be stumped; to be embarrassed |
消防 | しょうぼう・fire fighting |
予防 | よぼう・prevention; protection (against); precaution |
救う 「平和しか世界を救うことはできない」 | すくう・to rescue from; to help out of; to save |
警官 | けいかん・police officer; policeman; constable |
和食 | わしょく・Japanese food; Japanese dish; Japanese cuisine |
塩 | しお・salt; common salt; table salt; sodium chloride |
正月 | しょうがつ・New Year (esp. first three days) |
歌手 | かしゅ・singer |
予約 | よやく・reservation; appointment; booking; advance order |
産婦人科 | さんふじんか・maternity and gynaecology department (gynecology); |
右折/左折 | うせつ/させつ・turning to the right; right turn |
受信 | じゅしん・receiving (a message, letter, email, etc.); reception (radio, TV, etc.) |
救急車 | きゅうきゅうしゃ・ambulance |