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Forum: Bug Reports
Doesn't ask me all the questions

Martina Gyuriová
Martina Gyuriová
New Entrant

Level: 10
Streak: 0
Hello I created multiple courses and I learn using flash cards. At the beggining of the course I get every question but as I do it again and again it stops asking me majority of them. Some of them I had 2 times since I started and some 2 times per session. Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug?



Mona Lisa
Mona Lisa
New Entrant

Level: 35
Streak: 92
As far as i understand your problem it is just the basics of the memory algorithm. These qustions that you answer properly come less and less frequently. And vice versa, if you make mistakes the question comes more frequently
Fender Tremolo
Fender Tremolo
Using MEMORY to learn Spanish. Pienso que mi habilidad actual es promedio...

Level: 24
Streak: 0
as Mona Lisa says, it is because it shows you questions in the order of your best and worst questions. Eventually you will cycle through all questions, but you will see the ones you are best at less frequently. At the moment, the only way to see them in linear order is to Preview Flashcards from the course dashboard If there is a demand, we could add a Linear practice mode or option where you continue to answer them in order -- but how should it work? Answer them all over again in round robin fashion? e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4,5 , 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5 - repeat?
Memory Support
Memory Support
This is a shared account for Memory developers and support

Level: 8
Streak: 0
Can fairly easily add a round-robin mode with back/forward button for linear studying. If the demand is there, if anyone would like to add requirements or under how this is useful and the use case that would be helpful
André Barreto
André Barreto
New Entrant

Level: 12
Streak: 0
I'll piggyback this post: I already answered many many times lot of cards correctly in box 5. There are still 30% of not displayed questions in box 1. I already tried to change to a harder display in the settings for the algorithm, but the system don't show to me new questions from box 1. What am I doing wrong? I'm putting an hour to memorize and and less then 20 minutes I do most of the due practice. How can I make to learn new cards and make it more challenging for me?
Fender Tremolo
Fender Tremolo
Using MEMORY to learn Spanish. Pienso que mi habilidad actual es promedio...

Level: 24
Streak: 0
If this is a frequently reported problem it needs looking into. My guess is that is could be user confusion between learn and practice modes. If not, it could be a bug. Are you using practice or learn mode?
Memory Support
Memory Support
This is a shared account for Memory developers and support

Level: 8
Streak: 0
This problem is concerning but I haven't been able to reproduce it. It would be great to get an example course for me to test. Could someone who has this issue please invite user ID 1005400 as a course admin and let me know here so I can try playing the course and relay any issues I find to the developers?
S B Easwaran
S B Easwaran
Ex nihilo nihil fit

Level: 49
Streak: 1052
Hello Memory Support Administrator: Indeed it would be very helpful to have an optional mode for studying items in order. The first example that comes to mind is poems. As you well know, the easiest way to memorize poetry is to use initial letters in the cue (question) cards. For example: 1) L A T W M T T P'd S, Ans: Like as the waves make towards the pebbl'd shore, 2) S D O M H T T E, Ans: So do our minutes hasten to their end, This way, one can memorize both unusual stuff (such as the spelling of pebbl'd, in card 1) and the punctuation. This method works best if one is learning by typing out the answers. Unfortunately, learning a poem this way is not possible in right now because the cards are presented in random order, and that's not how one memorizes poetry! The other example I can think of in which mastering a set of cards in serial order is important is for lists, processes, and so on. Having an option to learn a set of questions in serial order will be very helpful. Right now, I ask students to memorize poems, lists etc using another software -- which has a very old-fashioned interface and does not use SR algorithms. Do think of creating an option that allows students to learn a series of cards in serial order. Warm regards
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