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Forum: General Questions
Direction: my language vs. the new language

Miroslav Novak
Miroslav Novak
New Entrant

Level: 5
Streak: 0
Hi, I'm quite surprised by It looks like the exactly tool I need to practice English with my kids. I've create a test: *direction*: Czech --> English Suddenly, the questions are the opposite way English --> Czech? Why? Can I switch it? Trying a workaronud: I've downloaded the quiz as CSV and switched the columns. Can I import it back. Thanks!



Memory Support
Memory Support
This is a shared account for Memory developers and support

Level: 8
Streak: 0
Hi, sorry if things are confusing with specifying the languages. These are the things you can do: 1) In the top right, click settings - you can then choose which way to answer your question in (Czech -> English, English-> Czech, or both) - default is both. 2) If your questions are setup the wrong way in the course, you can either click the swap button between the questions, or you can go to Course Settings and change the language pair entirely. You should only need option 2 if you added the questions the wrong way around - e.g. audio is playing in the wrong language and the flags are wrong. Otherwise, I think option 1 may solve the problem. I hope I have understood the question - please let me know if that doesn't solve it
Fender Tremolo
Fender Tremolo
Using MEMORY to learn Spanish. Pienso que mi habilidad actual es promedio...

Level: 24
Streak: 0
The Settings button was not showing on certain screen sizes. I think that could be why. The settings button is now in the top right for all screens.
Miroslav Novak
Miroslav Novak
New Entrant

Level: 5
Streak: 0
Thanks! I was able to find the settings and I can test my daughter's ability to type in English. Thanks! Mirek
Memory Support
Memory Support
This is a shared account for Memory developers and support

Level: 8
Streak: 0
Glad that works. This gave us a good idea actually, we noticed that 39% of users choose to set it to the way you have it. And only 1% to the opposite way! We're going to test this by assigning 50% of newly registered users to default to your setting, and 50% to stay on "Both" as default and see which ones stick around the longest to test this theory 😃 Thanks for this idea
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