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Forum: Suggestions / Ideas
Multiple correct during MCQs

Jabeena Shirin
Jabeena Shirin
New Entrant

Level: 10
Streak: 0
In some of the MCQs, multiple answers seem to be correct and it's only by sheer luck we get it right. For example, The meaning of the Spanish preposition 'en' was asked and it had in, on, and at in the options. These types of questions can be modified into Multiple Correct Questions. Asking us to pick every option that applies can really help us recall and form connections to what we've already learned.



Memory Support
Memory Support
This is a shared account for Memory developers and support

Level: 8
Streak: 0
Hello, if the course is setup correctly, the system should only show 1 valid answer. It depends if the user has added alternative answers to each question. If not, various correct answers may appear, with only 1 being marked as correct. So you raise a valid point. The suggestion for multiple choice questions with more than 1 answer, e.g. "Select all that are correct" is a good one. We need to think about how it would work from the course creation side of things.
Memory Support
Memory Support
This is a shared account for Memory developers and support

Level: 8
Streak: 0
added as a votable option I am afraid this is not priority unless it gets upvoted
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