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Forum: Suggestions / Ideas
Support for matching questions and same answers


Level: 3
Streak: 0
You can have variants for answers and questions within the same Q&A. But what about if the answers cover multiple questions? Was looking for a system that looks for matching questions or answers and accepts across (or at least a strategy to deal with this).


1 comment


Level: 3
Streak: 0
I have three ways to go about this: 1. A many-to-many database system where 'associations' (the intermediary connection records) are created with the questions and answers along side them. Answers as well as questions can overlap between associations. Unsure of the difficulty of exporting. 2. Use the question variants as potential questions themselves, although this will overlap with suggestions being more tailored for alternative ways of saying the same thing. This would at least make it more intuitive to merge matching questions. 3. Or apply a basic behavior during the tests where the system recognizes alternative question sources (just like how it can show what an incorrect answer matches with). No matter the suggestion, a solution could aim to avoid having to redo course content to take into account things like this.
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