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resulting periodic spontaneous contraction of smooth muscleAUTORHYTHMICITY
specialized structures that facilitate action potential conduction bet. cellsINTERCALATED DISKS
muscle connected to a boneTENDON
broad, sheet like tendonsAPONEUROSIS
a band of CT that holds down the tendons at each wrist and ankleRETINACULUM
head; most stationary end of the muscleORIGIN
end of the muscle attached to the bone undergoing the greatest movementINSERTION
part of the muscle bet. the origin & the insertionBELLY
muscle that accomplishes a certain movementAGONIST
muscle acting in opposition to an agonistANTAGONIST
a group of muscles working together to produce a movementSYNERGISTS
muscle that plays the major role in accomplishing desired movementPRIME MOVER
muscles that hold one bone in place relative to the bodyFIXATORS
raises the eyebrowsOCCIPITOFRONTALIS
encircle the eyes, tightly close the eyelids, and causes crow’s feet wrinklesORBICULARIS OCULI
encircles the mouthORBICULARIS ORIS
kissing muscles; pucker the mouth; flattens the cheeks I whistling/blowingBUCCINATOR
elevate the upper lip and corner of the mouthZYGOMATICUS
sneering; elevates one side of the upper lipLEVATOR LABILE SUPERIORIS
frowning & pouting; depresses the corner of the mouthDEPRESSOR ANGULI ORIS
fan-shaped muscleTEMPORALIS
seen & felt on the side of the headMASSETER
protraction, excursion, elevation of mandiblePTERYGOID
located within the tongue and change its shapeINTRINSIC MUSCLES
attached to and move the tongueEXTRINSIC MUSCLES
hold the hyoid bone; elevate the larynxHYOID MUSCLES
elevate the pharynxPHARYNGEAL ELEVATORS
constrict the pharynx from superior to inferior (forcing food into the esophagus); also open the auditory tubePHARYNGEAL CONTRICTORS
prime mover of the lateral muscle group; rotates the head; flexes the neck or extends the head; prayer muscleSTERNOCLEIDOMASTOID
wryneck; injury to the sternocleidomastoidTORTICOLLIS
flexes/extends head and neckDEEP NECK MUSCLES
extends and laterally flexes neckTRAPEZIUS
responsible for keeping the back straight and the body erectERECTOR SPINAE
responsible for several movements of the vertebral columnDEEP BACK MUSCLES
elevate the ribs during inspirationEXTERNAL INTERCOASTAL
contract during forced expiration, depressing the ribsINTERNAL INTEROCASTAL
major movement produced in the thorax during quiet breathingDIAPHRAGM
inspiration and rib elevationSCALENES
tendinous area of the abdominal wall that consists of white connective tissueLINEA ALBA
located on each side of the linea albaRECTUS ABDOMINIS
causes the abdominal wall of a lean, well-muscled person to appear segmentedTENDINOUS INTERSECTIONS
flex and rotate the vertebral column or compress the abdominal contentsEXTERNAL AND INTERNAL ABDOMINAL OBLIQUE AND TRANSVERSUS ABDOMINIS
pelvic diaphragmPELVIC FLOOR
muscle that forms the pelvic floorLEVATOR ANI
associated with the male/female reproductive structuresPERINEUM
Constricts the urethra; erects the penis, clitorisPERINEUM BULBOSPONGIOSUS
compresses the base of penis/clitorisPERINEUM ISCHIOCAVERNOSUS
keeps the orifice of the anal canal closedPERINEUM EXTERNAL AND SPINCTER
adducts the arm and flexes the shoulder; extend the shoulder from a flexed positionPECTORALIS MAJOR
swimmer’s muscle; medially rotates and adducts the arm and powerfully extends the shoulderLATISSIMUS DORSI
attached the humerus to the scapula and forms a cuff/cap over the proximal humerusROTATOR CUFF MUSCLES
attaches the humerus to the scapula and clavicle; major abductor of the upper limbDELTOID
primary extensor of the elbowTRICEPS BRACHII
primary flexors of the elbowBICEPS BRACHII AND BRACHIALIS
posterior forearm muscle; helps flex the elbowBrachioradialis
supination of the forearm or turning the flexed forearm so that the palm is upSUPINATOR
pronation, turning other forearm so that the palm is downPRONATOR
fibrous connective tissue that covers the flexor & extensor tendons and holds them in place around the wristRETINACULUM
flex the wristFLEXOR CARPI
extend the wristEXTENSOR CARPI
flexor of the digits/fingersFLEXOR DIGITORUM
extension of the fingersEXTENSOR DIGITORUM
19 muscles located within the handINSTRINSIC HAND MUSCLES
responsible for abduction and adduction of the fingersINTEROSSEI
inflammation and pain due to forceful, repeated contraction of the wrist extensor musclesTENNIS ELBOW
tightens palm skinPALMUS LONGUS
flexes the hipILIOPSOAS
helps steady the femur on the tibi when a person is standingTENSOR FASCIAE LATAE
extends the hip; adducts and laterally rottes the thigh; contributes most of the massGLUTEUS MAXIMUS
extends the hop when the thigh is flexed at a 45O angle; common site for injections in the buttocks (sciatic nerve lies deep to the g. maximus)GLUTEUS MEDIUS
primary extensors of the kneeQUADRICEPS FEMORIS
tailor’s muscle; longest muscle in the body; flexes the hip and knee; rotates the thigh laterally for sitting cross leggedSARTORIUS
flexing the kneeHAMSTRING MUSCLES
adducting the thighABDUCTOR MUSCLES
form the bulge of the calfGASTROCNEMIUS AND SOLEUS
Achilles tendon; flexors and are involved in plantar flexion of the footCALCANEAL TENDON
primary everters of the foot; aid in plantar flexionFIBULARIS MUSCLES
flex, extend, abduct, and adduct the toesIntrinsic foot muscles
extends 4 lateral toes, everts footEXTENSOR DIGITORUM LONGUS
extends great toe; inverts footEXTENSOR HALLUCES LONGUS
flexes great toe, inverts footFlexor halluces longus
flexes great toe, inverts footFlexor halluces longus