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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

to go to the cinemair al cine
to ride a bicyclemontar en bicicleta
to runcorrer
to play chessjugar al ajedrez
to readleer
to hang out with friendssalir con mis amigos
to go for a walkpasear
to water plantsregar las plantas
to play the guitartocar la guitarra
to take photossacar fotografías
to watch TVver la tele
to go for a walkpasear
to read booksleer libros
to ride a bikemontar en bici
to runcorrer
to play chessjugar al ajedrez
to travelviajar
to listen to musicescuchar música
to surf the Internetnavegar por Internet
to write lettersescribir cartas
to dancebailar
to paintpintar
to go shoppingir de compras
to visit museumsvisitar museos
to go to the cinemair al cine
to hang out with my friendssalir con mis amigos
to cookcocinar
to water plantsregar las plantas