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Chapter 1
Level 1
level: Level 1
Questions and Answers List
level questions: Level 1
an assembly of machines used together to do a particular job
the flow of electrical current through a gas (such as air) from one pole to another pole
capable of easily igniting and rapidly burning
a person who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them
competent person
the electrical outlet that is placed inside the structural elements of a building, such as inside the walls. The face of the receptacle is flush with the finished wall surface and covered with a plate
concealed receptacle
a work area large enough for a person to work, but arranged in such a way that an employee must physically enter the space to perform work. A confined space has a limited or restricted means of entry and exit. It is not designed for continuous work. Tanks, vessels, silos, pits, vaults, and hoppers are examples of confined spaces.
confined space
Braces (metal or wood) placed diagonally from the bottom of one rail to top of another rail that add support to a structure
waste material resulting from cutting using a thermal process
part of the electrical distribution system that brings electricity from the street source (power poles and transformers) through the service lines to the electrical meter mounted on the outside of the building and to the panel inside the building. the panel houses the circuits that distribute electricity throughout the structure
electrical distribution panel
any man-made cut, cavity, trench, or depression in an earth surface, formed by removing earth. It can be made for anything from basements to highways.
a rate computation to determine surcharge or credit to workers compensation premium based on a company's previous accident experience
experience modification rate (EMR)
a ladder made of two straight ladders that are connected so that the overall length can be adjusted
extension ladder
capable of easily igniting and rapidly burning
a sudden bright light associated with starting up a welding torch
a welding flame that flares up and chars the hose at or near the torch connection. It is caused by improperly mixed fuel.
the damage that can be done to eyes after even brief exposure to ultraviolet light from arc welding. A flash burn requires medical attention
flash burn
eye protective equipment worn during welding operations
flash goggles
the temperature at which fuel gives off enough gases (vapors) to burn
flash point
a unit of measure of the intensity of light falling on a surface, equal to one lumen per square foot and originally defined with reference to a standardized candle burning at one foot from a given surface
the conducting connection between electrical equipment or an electrical circuit and the earth
a device that interrupts and DE-energizes an electrical circuit to protect a person from electrocution
ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI)
enclosed, fenced, covered, or otherwise protected by barriers, rails, covers, or platforms to prevent dangerous contact
a line attached to a tool or object so a worker can pull it up after climbing a ladder or scaffold
hand line
the occupational safety and health administration standard that requires contractors to educate employees about hazardous chemicals on the job site and how to work with them safely.
hazard communication standard (HazCom)
a short section of rope or strap, one end of which is attached to a worker's safety harness and the other to a strong anchor point above the work area
a formal procedure for taking equipment out of service and ensuring that it cannot be operated until a qualified person has removed the lockout or tagout device (such as a lock or warning tag)
the organization of a company's management, including reporting procedures, supervisory responsibility, and administration
management system
a document that must accompany any hazardous substance. The MSDS identifies the substance and gives the exposure limits, the physical and chemical characteristics, the kind of hazard it presents, precautions for safe handling and use, and specific control measures
material safety data sheet (MSDS)
the steepest incline of an excavation face that is acceptable for the most favorable site conditions as protection against cave-ins, expressed as the ratio of horizontal distance to vertical rise
maximum allowable slope
the total weight of all people, equipment, tools, materials, and loads that a ladder can hold at one time
maximum intended load
mid-level, horizontal board required on all open sides of scaffolding and platforms that are more than 14 inches from the face of the structure and more than 10 feet above the ground. It is placed halfway between the toe board and the top rail
an agency of the u.s. department of labor. Also refers to the occupational safety and health act of 1970, a law that applies to more than 111 million workers and 7 million job sites in the country
occupational safety and health administration (OSHA)
a confined space that has been evaluated and found to have actual or potential hazards, such as a toxic atmosphere or other serious safety or health hazard. Workers need written authorization to enter a permit-required confined space
permit-required confined space
equipment or clothing designed to prevent or reduce injuries
personal protective equipment (PPE)
having pieces of material 2 or more inches thick and 6 or more inches wide used as flooring, decking, or scaffolding
work done near a hazard but not actually in contact with it
proximity work
a person who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or by extensive knowledge training, and experience, has demonstrated the ability to solve or prevent problems relating to a certain subject, work, or project
qualified person
a device that provides clean, filtered air for breathing, no matter what is in the surrounding air
the culture created when the whole company sees the value of a safe work environment
safety culture
an elevated platform for workers and materials
using pieces of timber, usually in a diagonal position, to hold a wall in place temporarily
a person who is responsible for directing a vehicle when the driver's vision is blocked in any way
a rule stating that platforms or work surfaces with unprotected sides or edges that are six feet or higher than the ground or level below it require fall protection
six-foot rule
waste material from welding operations
a chip or fragment of rock or soil that has broken off from the main mass
a self-supporting ladder consisting of two elements hinged at the top
a nonadjustable ladder
straight ladder
a box that houses electrical switches used to regulate and distribute electricity in a building
switch enclosure
a vertical barrier at floor level attached along exposed edges of a platform, runway, or ramp to prevent materials and people from falling
a top-level, horizontal board required on all open sides of scaffolding and platforms that are more than 14 inches from the face of the structure and more than 10 feet above the ground
top rail
a narrow excavation made below the surface of the ground that is generally deeper than it is wide, with a maximum width of 15 feet
(1) a protective screen set up around a welding operation designed to safeguard workers not directly involved in that operation. (2) a shield that provides eye and face protection for welders by either connecting to a helmet-like headgear or attaching directly to a hard hat
welding shield
a cloth cone open at both ends mounted in a high place to show which direction the wind is blowing
wind sock