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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

what is compiledthe process of translating the program to assembly
what is interpretationyou see the code changes instantly
what is executionits compiled then interpreted line by line
what is jvmthe virtual machine that translates java line by line
3 errors in codesyntax, run time, logic
what is pseudocodea simplified version of code that you can write an algorithm in, used for planning
What are the four different ways that the flow of control can progress through a program? Explain each oneSelection, repetition, method call, sequence
What are the characteristics of a high-level looks like english and is easy to read
How does an object class encapsulate data?makes fields private
What is the purpose of mutator methods? settersthey changer the value of the fields
what is the purpose on constructors? gettersthey define how to create an object
what are the naming rules?same name as class no return type
what is an accessor methodgetters, get a field value. getBleh
how to write a mutator (setter)public void setNumber(String number){ this.number = number; } public void setMaxOccupancy(int max){ if(max >= 25 && max <= 600) this.maxOccupancy = max; else }. this.maxOccupancy = 25;