die Anzeige, das Inserat | the ad, the display, the notice, the report, the indication |
to swell | schwellen, (verquellen) |
the restaurant, the eatery | die Gaststätte |
the food service industry, the clubs and bars, catering | die Gastronomie, die Gastro |
first and foremost, above all | in erster Linie |
wherever | wo immer |
the information | die Auskunft, die Angaben |
to open a business | ein Geschäft aufmachen |
the documents | die Unterlagen |
the county, the parish, the rural district | der Landkreis |
to continue, to proceed | fortfahren, fortsetzen, weitermachen |
the misfortune | das Pech |
so far, yet | bislang |
to determine (collectively), to set, to commit | festlegen |
to determine (something), to find out (something), to ascertain | feststellen, ermitteln |
to submit (by sending, ex. an email) | abschicken |
soft (texture), smooth | weich, sacht |
to deal with (subject matter, ex. of a film), to act (behavior), to trade (in business) | handeln |
the proverb, the adage, the saying | das Sprichwort |
the keyword | das Stichwort |
the password | das Kennwort |
the slice, the pane, the disc, the plate | die Scheibe |
the target (that you literally shoot at) | die Zielscheibe |
to be aware (of something) | sich bewusst sein |
to feel (emotionally/physically) | sich fühlen |
to insult | beleidigen, beschimpfen |
the nightmare | der Albtraum |
the chin | das Kinn |
to hang up (the phone), to publish (book), to issue (stock) | auflegen |
to clear out, to scram, to run away, to run off | abhauen |
to blow someone off | jemand versetzen |
the busy signal | das Besetztzeichen |
to delight, to fill with enthusiasm, to excite | begeistern |
to vomit (slang) | kotzen |
to rape | vergewaltigen |
to prevail (to win) | siegen, herrschen, walten (geh) |
vast, tremendous, enormous | gewaltig, enorm |
the regular customers, the regulars, the steady customers | die Stammkundschaft |
to shoot | schießen |
to skyrocket | in die Höhe schießen, hochschnellen |
sole, only | einzig |
to release, to approve, to share, to declassify | freigeben |
to abandon, to surrender, to relinquish, to post | aufgeben |
the dead | die Toten |
the weapon | die Waffe |
the army | das Heer |
the music box | die Spieluhr |
the crossroads, the stations of the cross | der Kreuzweg |
jammed | verklemmpt |
to jam | blockieren, klemmen |
to clamp, to staple | klammern |
the parentheses, the brackets, the clamps | die Klammern |
to kid around, to josh | verarschen |
the tail | der Schwanz |
to cremate | einäschen |
four-eyes | Brillenschlange |
to itch | jucken |
the debauchery, the degeneracy | die Verkommenheit |
to degenerate | verkommen (verb) |
squalid | verkommen (adjective) |
to consider, to take into account (phrase) | in Betracht ziehen |
to examine, to consider | betrachten |
swollen | geschwollen |