speaking of... | apropos... |
the wildfire | das Lauffeuer |
the wastewater | das Abwasser |
the peace treaty | der Friedensvertrag |
the inhibition, the restraint, the holding back | die Hemmung, die Zurückhaltung |
unrestricted, unrestrained | hemmungslos, unbeschränkt |
packed to the edge (or top) | randvoll |
the restaurant manager, the innkeeper | der Gastwirt |
to shift (ex. ballast or electrical charge or things that shift themselves) | sich verlagern |
to extend, to prolong, to lengthen, to eke out | verlängern, recken |
the assessment, the appraisal | die Beurteilung, die Bewertung, die Einschätzung, die Begutachtung |
the attention, the respect, the deference | die Achtung |
the party convention, the political convention | der Parteitag |
to overshadow | überschatten |
to sway (in thinking), to budge (in thinking), to cause to reconsider | umstimmen |
the competition (in sports or business) | der Wettbewerb, die Konkurrenz, der Wettkampf |
the early stage, the preliminary stage | die Vorstufe |
to provide for | versorgen, sorgen, verschaffen |
partly, partially (cloudy) | teilweise |
to turn on (the TV, etc), to switch on | einschalten, anschalten |
the local transportation, the local traffic | der Nahverkehr |
the book cover | der Einband |
to shrink | schrumpfen |
the surrogate mother | die Leihmutter |
to lend, to loan | leihen |
the nanny | das Kindermädchen |
to scratch | kratzen |
to sneer | grinsen, spotten, höhnen |
the sign, the signal | das Zeichen |
the homesickness | das Heimweh |
the mining (of gold or coal) | der Bergbau, der Abbau |
the precinct, the beat (of a cop), the territory, the district | das Revier |
to shut down (e.g. a business) | schließen, zumachen, stilllegen |
the energy source | der Energieträger |
the emission (of CO2), the output (of energy) | der Ausstoß |
the incidence, the occurrence, the deposit (of a resource) | das Vorkommen |
inexhaustible | unerschöpflich |
to hover, to float | schweben |
relatively, comparatively | relativ, vergleichsweise, verhältnismäßig |
to desire | begehren, wünschen |
to amount to, to come to, to add up to, to be | betragen, gleichkommen |
the nuclear power (i.e. atomic energy, not a country) | die Kernenergie |
premature | verfrüht, frühzeitig, vorzeitig |
to stand (sth.), to bear, to tolerate, to endure | ertragen |
the acquisition, the purchase | der Erwerb |
(and that) in turn, again | wiederum |
again | nochmal, wieder, erneut |
competitive | wettbewerbsfähig, konkurrenzfähig |
the diagram, the table, the chart | die Schautafel |
the city council | der Stadtrat |
the prayer house (at a convent) | das Bethaus |
the needy (always plural) | die Bedürftige |
the grant (instead of tuition) | das Stipendium |
time limited | befristet |
the curfew | das Ausgehverbot |
the prisoner | der Gefangener, der Häftling |
the descent (to the lower soccer league), the decline | der Abstieg |
to wrap, to wind (a clock), to roll | wickeln |
to tease | hänseln, necken |