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level: Innervations of the Brachial Plexus Branches

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level questions: Innervations of the Brachial Plexus Branches

Dorsal Scapular NerveLevator Scapulae and Rhomboids
Long Thoracic NerveSerratus Anterior
Subclavian NerveSubclavius
Suprascapular NerveSupraspinatus and Infraspinatus
Lateral Pectoral NervePectoralis Major
Musculocutaneous NerveBiceps brachii, Brachialis, Coracobrachialis
Lateral Root of Median NerveMedian Nerve
Upper Subscapular NerveUpper subscapularis
Lower Subscapular NerveLower Subscapular and Teres Major
Thoracodorsal NerveLatissimus Dorsi
Radial NerveBrachioradialis, Extensors of the forearm, Anconeus, Triceps Brachii, Supinator
Axillary NerveDeltoid, Teres Minor
Medial Pectoral NervePectoralis Major and Pectoralis Minor
Medial cutaneous of the armFront and medial skin of the arm
Medial cutaneous of the forearmMedial skin of the forearm
Medial Root of the Median NervePortions not served by Radial and Ulnar
Ulnar NerveFlexor Carpi Ulnaris, Flexor Carpi Digitorum, Intrinsic muscles of the arm except Thenar, Two most lateral Lumbricals