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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

All atoms on the periodic table are elements. An element is a pure chemical substance made up of only one type of atomElement
Two or more atoms that have been chemically joined together. They are not pureCompounds
Two or more types of atoms that are not chemically joined togetherMixture
Gold is a pure substance and bronze is a mixture (not pure)Why gold is a pure substance and bronze is not
protons and neutrons in the nucleus, electrons in the outer shellsProtons, neutrons, electrons
Have a positive chargeProtons
have no/neutral chargeNeutrons
have a negative chargeElectrons
atomic number is number of protons, mass number is number of protons + the number of neutrons. The number of electrons is the same as protons if the atom is neutral.How to calculate the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons
First, 2, second, 8, third, 8, fourth, 2how many electrons can be in each shell and what order do they go in?
How many electrons the atoms have on their outer shell (goes up and down)Groups
How many shells the atoms have (goes across)Periods
Metals, non-metals are poor heat conductorsDo metals or non-metals conduct heat well?
They lose electronsWhat do metals do to become positive ions?
YesDo metals conduct electricity?
MercuryWhich metal is not a solid?
CarbonWhich non-metal can conduct electricity?
LeftWhat side are Metals on the periodic table
above with a plus of minus sign next to itWhen you are telling us the number of electrons the atom has on the outer shell you put that number..
belowWhen you are telling us how many of the same atom are in a compound you put that number...
When they lose or gain electronshow do atoms turn into ions
HydrogenH =
HeliumHe =
LithiumLi =
BerylliumBe =
BoronB =
CarbonC =
NitrogenN =
OxygenO =
Sodium CarbonateNa2CO3
Lithium OxideLi2O
Hydrogen sulfideH2S
Sodium Hydrogen CarbonateNaHCO3