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The process of planing and executing the development, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods and services to achieve organizational goalsWhat is Marketing?
A Market is made up of all the people or organizaitons who want or need a product and have the willingness and ability to buy.Define Market.
Goods, Services, Ideas, Places, or PersonsWhat are Products?
A customer-oriented business philosophy that stresses customer satisfaction as the key to achieving organizational goals.What is the Marketing Concept?
Environmental Analysis, Consumer Analysis, Product Planning, Price Planning, Promotion Planning, Physical Distribution (Place) PlanningWhat are the 6 Marketing Functions?
Provid the means to evaluate market potential and identify target markets.What do Environmental & Consumer Analysis Market Research Functions do?
The Marketing Mix VariablesProduct, Price, Promotion, and Physical Distribution Planning Are known as?
Four variables that comprise an organization's marketing program: Product, Price, Promotion, and Physical Distribution.What is the Marketing Mix?
Product, Price, Promotion, Physical DistributionWhat are the Four "P's"?
Process of dividing the total market into distinct submarkets based on similiarities in: wants, needs, behaviors, or other characteristicsWhat is Market Segmentation?
Groups of customers who are similar to each other in a meaningful way and who will respond to a firm's marketing mix similarily.Define Market Segments
One particular Group of potential cusotmers that the organization seeks to satisfy with a product.Define Target Market
Exists when a product or brand is perceived as different from its competitors on any tangible or intangible characteristic.What is Product Differentiation?
The decisions involved in shaping the product's image in the customer's mind. These images are defined relative to competing products. (not actual differences in the product)What is Product Positioning?
An organization's state of marketing strategy and the specification of the actitives required to carry out the strategy.What is a Marketing Plan?
Identify target markets, provide general guidelines for developing the marketing mix, environmental analysis, market rersearch plans, cost estimates, and sales forecasts.What does a Marketing Plan Typically Cover?
The plan begins with an assessment of the situation confronting the firm.What is the first step when developing a Marketing Plan?
Identifies the company's relative strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats posed by it's marketing environment.What is Situation Analysis?
Goals of the firm both quantitative (profits, market share, sales) or qualitative (market leadership, corporate image). Goals must be specific, measurable, and within a stated time frame.Define Marketing Objectives and Give Examples.
Macroenvironmental Factors and Micoenvironmental Factors.What are the two factors of the Marketing Environment?
Uncontrollable Forces: Demographics, Economic Conditions, Competition, Social and Cultural Factors, Political, Legal, Government, and Tech Factors.What are Macroenvironment Factors?
External forces that impact each specific company uniquely. Largely uncontrollable but firm can influence to a significant degree: Suppliers, Marketing Intermediaries and the Target Market.What are Microenvironmental Factors?
Defines the way in which the marketin gmix is used to satisfy the needs of the target market & achieve organizational goals.What is a Marketing Strategy?
SEE PHYSICAL FLASHCARDDraw the Product/Market Opportunity Matrix
Attemps to increase sales of the firm's existing products to its current markets.What is Market Penetration Strategy?
Attempts to increase sales by introducing existing products to new markets.What is Market Development Strategy
Entails offering new products to the firm's current markets.What is Product Development Strategy?
Aims new products at new markets.What is Diversification Strategy?
SWOT MatrixWhat tool is used to assess the potential value and fit of new opportunities?
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, ThreatsDefine the 4 areas of SWOT.
Strengths and Weaknesses of a FirmWhich two areas of SWOT are Internal?
Opportunities and ThreatsWhich two areas of SWOT are External?
Framework that classifies each product or product line within a firm's product portfolio.Define Boston Consulting Group Matrix.
SEE PHYSICAL FLASHCARDDraw Boston Consulting Group Matrix.
Generate large profits, consume substantial resources to finance continued growth.Define "Stars" of BCGM
Not great profits, requires high levels of investment to keep or increase market share. AKA "question mark".Define "Problem Child" of BCGM
Generate large profits and require little investment to maintain market share.Define "Cash Cows" of BCGM
Low profitability and little opportunity for sales growth.Define "Dogs" of BCGM
Made up of the unique qualities of a product that encourage customer purchase and loyalty. Gives a customer a reason to "prefer".What is a Differential Advantage?
A consumers' ability to perceive differences among competing products.What is Product Differentiation?
Used to characterize short-sighted marketing strategy. Refers to managers focusing narrowly on products they sell rather than customers they serve.What is Marketing Myopia?
Differential advantage held over competitors by offering buyers superior value either through lower prices or other elements of hte marketing mix.What is Sustainable Competitive Advantage?