Taille | body nouns strongly associated with women are feminine. Also, ends with "e"...waist |
Scheide | body nouns strongly associated with women are feminine. Also, ends with "e"...vagina |
Penis | body nouns strongly associated with men are masculine...penis |
Muskel | body nouns strongly associated with men are masculine...muscle |
Kopf | nouns that end in "pf" are usually masculine...head |
Topf | nouns that end in "pf" are usually masculine...pot that you cook in |
Kampf | nouns that end in "pf" are usually masculine...fight, struggle |
Sumpf | nouns that end in "pf" are usually masculine...swamp, bog |
Dampf | nouns that end in "pf" are usually masculine...steam, vapor |
Knopf | nouns that end in "pf" are usually masculine...button |
Krampf | nouns that end in "pf" are usually masculine...cramp, spasm |
Wetter | high-level categories are neuter...weather |
Sonnenschein | weather events are masculine...sunshine |
Schnee | weather events are masculine...snow |
Regen | weather events are masculine...rain |
Wind | weather events are masculine...wind |
Nebel | weather events are masculine...fog |
Sturm | weather events are masculine...storm |
Hagel | weather events are masculine...hail |
Hurrikan, Wirbelsturm, Orkan | weather events are masculine...hurricane |
Donner | weather events are masculine...thunder |
Blitz | weather events are masculine...lightning |
Schlacht | one-syllable nouns that end in "cht" are usually feminine...battle, slaughter |
Pflicht | one-syllable nouns that end in "cht" are usually feminine...obligation |
Furcht | one-syllable nouns that end in "cht" are usually feminine...fear |
Flucht | one-syllable nouns that end in "cht" are usually feminine...escape |
Frucht | one-syllable nouns that end in "cht" are usually feminine...fruit |
Tracht | one-syllable nouns that end in "cht" are usually feminine...costume, attire, garb |
Wucht | one-syllable nouns that end in "cht" are usually feminine...force, momentum |
Bucht | one-syllable nouns that end in "cht" are usually feminine...bay |
Sucht | one-syllable nouns that end in "cht" are usually feminine...addiction |
Zucht | one-syllable nouns that end in "cht" are usually feminine...breeding |
Sicht | one-syllable nouns that end in "cht" are usually feminine...sight |
Jacht | one-syllable nouns that end in "cht" are usually feminine...yacht |
Macht | one-syllable nouns that end in "cht" are usually feminine...power, might |
Bericht | nouns/suffixes formed by dropping the "en" from verbs and sometimes changing the root too are usually masculine...berichten->...report |
Verdacht | nouns/suffixes formed by dropping the "en" from verbs and sometimes changing the root too are usually masculine...verdenken->...suspicion |
Nacht | one-syllable nouns that end in "cht" are usually feminine...night |
Verzicht | nouns/suffixes formed by dropping the "en" from verbs and sometimes changing the root too are usually masculine...verzichten->...waiver, abandonment |
Zahn | nouns/suffixes formed by dropping the "en" from verbs and sometimes changing the root too are usually masculine...zahnen->...tooth |
Gaskammer(e) | nouns that end in "e" are feminine - This word used to have an "e" at the end - gas chamber |
Laptop (computer), Laptop (notebook) | nouns ending in "er" that do something are usually masculine...laptop (computer)...but this one can be neuter too...laptop (notebook) |
Handy | English loan words to German tend to be neuter unless there's another rule - handy (telephone) |
Telefon | English loan words to German tend to be neuter unless there's another rule - telephone |
Hobby | English loan words to German tend to be neuter unless there's another rule - hobby |
Team | English loan words to German tend to be neuter unless there's another rule - team |
Internet | English loan words to German tend to be neuter unless there's another rule - internet |
Witz | nouns that end in "tz" are usually masculine - joke |
Platz | nouns that end in "tz" are usually masculine - plaza, square |
Spatz | nouns that end in "tz" are usually masculine - sparrow |
Schutz | nouns that end in "tz" are usually masculine - protection |
Blitz | nouns that end in "tz" are usually masculine - lightning |
Schatz | nouns that end in "tz" are usually masculine - treasure |
Satz | nouns that end in "tz" are usually masculine - sentence |
Ellbogen | nouns/suffixes formed by dropping the "en" from verbs and sometimes changing the root too are usually masculine...biegen->...elbow |