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level: Level 1 of Forces

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Forces

WeightIs a force that is measured in Newtons
MassHow much stuff or matter a thing is made of
GravityAn invisible force that pulls objects together
FrictionA force that opposes movement
What do you use to represent forces in a diagramArrows
Do balanced or unbalanced forces make an object moveUnbalanced
BuoyancyThe ability of an object to float
ForceAny push, pull or twist
MagnetA material that uses a magnetic field and can attract or repel things
Magnetic fieldsThe range or area around a magnet that the force of that magnet can be experienced
LubricantA substance used to reduce friction between moving surfaces
Surface tensionThe property of the surface of a liquid that allows it to resist an external force
AerodynamicThe way that air moves around things
Will a balanced force cause an object to remain stationary or moveStationary
What do you use to measure forcesA spring balance
What unit is used to measure forces?Newtons
Is weight a contact or non-contact forcenon-contact
Contact forceAny force that requires contact to occur
Non-contact forceA force which acts on an object without coming physically in contact with it
Is magnetic force a contact or non-contact force?Non-contact