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level: Level 1 of Chapter 1-3

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level questions: Level 1 of Chapter 1-3

allows scientists to determine the ages of rock strataradiometric dating
a time in a distant past when there was only one huge landmassPangaea
first posited by German meteorologist Alfred Wegenercontinental drift
Wegener's theory on continental drift is today considered as two aspects of the wider phenomenon known asplate tectonics
a large landmass on the surface of the earthcontinent
according to creation theorists. God created everythingcreationism
is the textbook on the science of creationismbible
which means "southern ape from the afar"Australopithecus afarensis
generally believed to have been the first true human / "handy man"Homo habilis
refers to human familyHominid
literally means "erect man"Homo erectus
man the wise; thinking manHomo sapiens
which was a process whereby flint was heated up to make it more workableAnnealing
the earliest ancestors of modern humansPaleolithic Age
the discovery of the secrets of agriculture / The most significant landmark of __ is the Agricultural revolution.Neolithic Age
Process by which cultural ideas spread to different groups of people and to different places.SCultural diffusion
the transition from stone implements to the use of metals was pivotal to growth of civilizationsMetal Age
Code of Hammurabi consisted __ regulations pertaining to socio-economic concerns of people.282
the discovery of mixing copper and tin, however, was groundbreaking because it produced a tougher metalbronze
traditionally believed to be the birth of Jesus ChristCommon Era
meaning "the year of our Lord"Anno Domini
rooted in historical theory / it reflects our priorities, our valuesPeriodization
is the study of the patterns and processes of human (built) and environmental (natural) landscapesGeography
or human geography that deals with human culture and its impact on the earthCultural Geography
that studies the natural features of the earthPhysical Geography
determines where a particular place can be foundlocation
refers to the exact point where a place isabsolute location
provides a pinpoint accuracy in locating a specific placeGlobal Positioning System (GPS)
describes the human and physical characteristics of a locationplace
that describes and analyzes how humans adapt to their environmentHuman Environment Interaction
this explains how people, ideas, and animals move from one place to anotherMovement
refer to the physical features of the earth's surfaceLandforms
refers to the regular pattern of weather conditions in a particular placeclimate
is the condition of the atmosphere at a particular place and time such as the temperatureweather
refer to wind that blows predominantly from a single general directionprevailing winds
refer to steady winds blowing from east to west above and below the equatortrade winds
is a particular way of life of a certain groupCulture
is an advanced state of intellectual, cultural, and material development in human societycivilization
is the oldest civilization ever discoveredSumer
meaning "the land between two rivers"Mesopotamia
they worshipped many gods / religion of the peoples of MesopotamiaPolytheistic
Gods whose capable of human passions and weaknesses.anthropomorphic
the struggle of the king to escape death is recounted in the dangerous journey he made to find UtnapishtunEpic of Gilgamesh
meaning "big man"Lugal
a copy of which was found at Susa, the capital of ancient ElamCode of Hammurabi
meaning wedgecuneus
the empire was divided into provinces calledSatrapy
were believed to have come from somewhere northeast of the black seaHitties
who developed their own distinct language known as Indo-EuropeanAryans
it was based on the belief of one GodMonotheism
is the first five books of the bibleTorah
is at 0 degree longitude that runs through Greenwich, EnglandPrime Meridian
is the point of reference that divides the globe into the northern and southern hemispheresEquator
at 180 degrees longitude as its endpointInternational Date Line (IDL)
significant to the Hebrews was the religion that they practiced known asJudaism
supposedly written by Zoroaster himself because the sacred book of the followers of his faithZend Avesta