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level: forces

Questions and Answers List

level questions: forces

what is scalar and vector quantitiesscalar on gives distance (magnitude) and vector gives both size and distance
is force scalar or vectorvector
what is difference between contact and none contact forcecontact force two objects physically and none contact does not
difference between weight and massmass is the amount of matter an object has, and weight is how strong gravity pulls on an object
difference between scalar and vectorscalar is magnitude but no direction while vector is both
difference between Distance and displacementhow far an object moves without direction displacement is both
which are scalar and which are vector?: speed, velocity, displacement, force, weight, mass, energy , acceleration, time, distancescalar: speed, distance, time, mass, energy vector: velocity, force, weight, acceleration
if an object is stationary and resultant force is equal what happensstays stationary
if an object is moving and it and forces are equal?stays at constant speed
what is resultant forcethe overall force acting on an object
what is thrustforward in air
what is air resistanceback in air
what is does weight dpdown
what is difference between weight and massmass is the amount of matter an object has (which is how heavy it is) and weight is the measure of how strong gravity pulls on the mass (in newtons)
what is frictionback on ground (2 objects going against each other)