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level: Level-2

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level-2

probativeThe legal term probative describes something that tends to demonstrate or prove something.
anachronismAn anachronism is something that doesn't fit its time period, like if you say you'll "dial" your smartphone.
SavagerySavagery is fierce or brutal violence.
dourDour describes something sullen, gloomy, or persistent.
ingenueyoung female character in literature or film who is wholesome and innocent.
doyenneAre you a phenomenal baker, famous for your delicious homemade treats? Then you can call yourself the doyenne of cupcakes. A doyenne is an undisputed expert at something.
arabesqueclassical position in ballet
alcovesecluded structure
valedictionaddress made at or as a farewell.
vellumpaper made of skin
vermicormresembling worm
viragoa domineering, violent, or bad-tempered woman.
vitrifyconvert (something) into glass or a glasslike substance, typically by exposure to heat.
veldopen, uncultivated country or grassland in southern Africa.
versificationmaking of verses
virtuositygreat skill
promulgatedTo make known to the public;
reposedThe act of resting or the state of being at rest.
intransigenceuncompromising; refusal to change one's views or to agree about something.
empyreanabode of gods
escapadeAn adventurous, unconventional act or undertaking.
firmamentexpanse of heavens
bulwarkA wall or embankment raised as a defensive fortification;
venialnot seriously wrong
preceptsA rule or principle prescribing a particular course of action or conduct.
garishtastelessly showy
steeragecheapest accommodations in a ship
diceyinvolving with danger or risk
docentsIf you’re a docent, you’re a teacher at a college or university. In most countries, you’d rank right below a professor.
compunctionWhen you feel compunction you feel very, very sorry, usually for something you did to hurt someone or mess something up. When you feel no compunction, you're not at all sorry.
PromenadePromenade is a fancy word for going out walking. If you like to stroll through town in a leisurely way, then you like to take promenades.
flounderstagger, struggle
all of a ditherIn a nervous, confused, or agitated state. We were all of a dither waiting to meet the president at our school rally. The interviewer kept asking these really vague questions and got me all of a dither.
ostensiblyappearing as such
fendIf you get along on your own, with no assistance from another person, you can say that you fend for yourself.
precipitouslyextremely rapid