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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

exchange of blood and tissue fluid occurs in the ?capillary beds
additional substances that cannot enter or return through the capillary walls are returned to the blood as ?lymph
what is lymphexcess fluid left behind by capillary exchange that drains from tissue spaces
how is lymph transported to reenter the blood streamthrough lymphatic vessels
what does the lymphatic system include?lymph, lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, lymphoid organs such as spleen and thymus
lymphoid organsspleen and thymus
what do spleen and thymus dohelp filter bodys fluid , removing harmful particles before they cause damage
how does lymph formblood plasma filters out the capillaries into microscopic spaces between tissue cells
fluid inbetween tissue cellsintertistial fluid
tiny vessels that allow fluid along other substances such as dissolved protein molecule to leave the tissue spaceslymphatic vessels
lymphatic and blood capillaries are formed from sheets consisting of thin layer of simple squamous epithelium called ?endothelium
allows larger molecules including protein and other substances as well as fluid itself to enter the vessel and return to gen circulationlymphatic capillary
the movement of lymph in the lymphatic vessels isone way
lymph flowing through the lymphatic capillaries next move into large and larger vessels known aslymphatic venules and lymphatic vein
where do the lymphatic vessels (lymphatic venules and lymphatic vein) empty intoright lymphatic duct and thoracic duct
fluid filtered from blood plasma that is not reabsorbed by blood vessels drains intolymphatic vessels
thoracic duct and right lymphatic ductreturn their lymph into the blood in large veins of the neck region
lymph from 3/4ths of the body drains intothoracic duct
largest lymphatic vessel in the body ?thoracic duct
lymph from the right upper extremity and from the right side of the head , neck and upper torso flows intothe right lymphatic duct
serves as temporary holding area for lymph moving toward its point of entry into the veinsCisterna chyli
lymphatic capillaries in the wall of the small intestinelacteals
what does lacteal transporttransports fats obtained from the digestive food to the blood stream
abnormal condition in which tissues exhibit swelling because of accumulation of lymphlymphedema
what us the inflammation of lymphatic vessels that are characterized by thin red streaks extending from and infected regionlymphangitis
what is septicemia ( can cause possible death from septic shock)blood poisoning
lymphedema causes by prolonged infestation by filaria worms and produces elephant like limbselephantiasis
what are the lymphoid organslymph nodes, thymus, spleen, tonsils
provides immune defense and development of immune cellslymphoid organs
as lymph travels from its origin in the tissue spaces towards the thoracic or right lymphatic duct and then into the venous blood it is filtered by way of trickling throughlymph nodes
where are lymph nodes locatedin clusters along the pathway of lymphatic vessels
lymph nodes perform biological filtration a process in whichphagocytic cells alter the contents of the filtered fluid
biological filtration of bacteria and other abnormal cells by phagocytosis helps preventlocal infections from spreading
lymph enters the node through one or moreafferent(meaning toward) lymphatic vessels
the core of each nodule where new immune cells are producedgerminal center
lymph exits from the node through one or moreefferent lymphatic vessels
cells from a tumerous growth in the breast often spread to areas of the body by a process caleldmetastasis
a small lymphoid organ located in the mediastinum ,extending upward toward the middle of the neck. composed of lymphocytes largest at pubertythymus
thymus glands does most workbefore and after birth
source of lymphocytes before birth and is then especially important in the maturation of a type of lymphocytethymus
critical to functioning of the immune systemT lymphocytes or T cells
group of hormones secreted by the thymus influence the development of T cellsthymosins
process by which the thymus is replaced by fat and connective tissueinvolution
masses of lymphoid tissues located in a protective ring under the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat , help protect us against bacteria that may invade tissues in the are around the opening of the nasal and oral cavitiestonsils
located one ach side of the throat and maybe removed surgicallypalatine tonsils
first line of defense from exterior and subject to chronic infection or tonsilitiestonsil
largest lymphoid organ in the body located in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen protected by lower ribsspleen
serves as a reservoir for blood that can be returned to the cardiovascular system when needed and destroys worn out RBCthe spleen
serves as a reservoir for monocytes which can quickly leave the spleen to help repair damaged tissuewhite pulp of the spleen
an abnormal spleen enlargement( example- scarlet fever, syphilis, typhoid)spenomegaly
lymphatic tumorslymphoma
body's overall defense system is calledimmune system
maintained by mechanisms that attacks any irritant or abnormal substance and we are born with these defensesinnate immunity( nonspecific immunity )
a set of innate responses that often occurs in the bodyinflammatory response
chemicals released from cells to act as direct agent of innate non specific immunitycytokines
signs of inflammationheat,redness,pain,swelling
a systemic inflammatory response may be manifested bya fever
does most work of the immune systemWBC
intentional exposure to the causative agent such as vaccines, activates the immune systemartificial active immunity
many of cytokines are proteins calledinterleukins
protein compounds normally available in the bodyantibodies(immunoglobins)
neutrophils,monocytes,macrophages,dendrite cellsphagocytes
natural killer cells(NK) cells, T lymphocytes, b lymphocyteslymphocytes
most abundant immune cells in the bodyneutrophils
complement molecules activated by antibodies from doughnut shaped complexescomplement cascades
produce humoral immunity (resistance to disease organisms produced by the action of the antibodiesbcells
produce well mediated immunityT cells
hypersensitivity of the immune system to harmless environmental antigensallergy
antigens that trigger allergic responseantigens
inappropriate and excessive response to self antigensautoimmunity
excessive reaction of the immune system to antigens from a different individual of the same speciesalloimmunity