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level: Level 2

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 2

The alligator악어
The ant개미
The bear
The bee꿀벌
The bird
The camel낙타
The cheetah치타
The chicken
The chimpanzee침팬지
The cow
The crocodile악어
The deer사슴
The dog
The dolphin돌고래
The duck오리
The eagle독수리
The elephant코끼리
The fish물고기
The fly파리
The fox여우
The frog개구리
The giraffe기린
The goat염소
The goldfish금붕어
The hamster햄스터
The hippopotamus하마
The horse
The kangaroo캥거루
The kitten새끼 고양이
The leopard표범
The lion사자
The lizard도마뱀
The lobster랍스터
the Monkey원숭이
The octopus문어
The ostrich타조
The otter수달
The owl올빼미
The oyster
The panda팬더
The parrot앵무새
The pelican펠리칸
The pig돼지
The pigeon비둘기
The porcupine고슴도치
The puppy강아지
The rabbit토끼
The rat
The reindeer순록
The rhinoceros코뿔소
The rooster수탉
The scorpion전갈
The seal인감
The shark상어
The sheep그 양
The shrimp새우
The snail달팽이
The snake
The sparrow참새
The spider거미
The squid오징어
The squirrel다람쥐
The swallow제비
The swan백조
The tiger호랑이
The toad두꺼비
The tortoise거북이
The turtle그 거북이
The vulture독수리
The walrus해마
The weasel족제비
The whale고래
The zebra얼룩말