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level: Infinitives

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Infinitives

to actactuar
to loveamar
to dancebailar
to walkandar
to singcantar
to buycomprar
to listenescuchar
to studyestudiar
to winganar
to earnganar
to screamgritar
to yellgritar
to speakhablar
to talkhablar
to cleanlimpiar
to arrivellegar
to carryllevar
to watchver
to lookmirar
to swimnadar
to neednecesitar
to paypagar
to practiepracticar
to preparepreparar
to throwtirar
to playjugar
to touchtocar
to taketomar
to drinkbeber
to worktrabajar
to learnaprender
to drinkbeber
to eatcomer
to commitcomprometerse
to understandentender
to comprehendcomprender
to runcorrer
to believecreer
to owedeber
to hideesconder
to readleer
to putponer
to answercontestar
to respondresponder
to breakromper
to suspendsuspender
to sellvender
to openabrir
to admitadmitir
to attendasistir
to covercubrir
to decidedecidir
to describedescribir
to discoverdescubrir
to argueargumentar
to discussdiscutir
to writeescribir
to existexistir
to allowpermitir
to recieverecibir
to climbescalar
to suffersufrir
to uniteunir
to joinunir
to livevivir