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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

compoundto make a problem or difficult situation worse [ T often passive ] làm cho tồi tệ thêm
overhaulxem xét lại toàn bộ / to repair or improve something so it works well
slapto hit someone or something with the flat part of the hand or other flat object
hamstringto limit the amount of something that can be done or the ability or power of someone to do something
enactto put something into action, especially to make something law
injunctionan official order given by a law court, (pháp lý) lệnh của toà (cấm hoặc bắt làm gì)
sirloinn - the best meat from the lower back of a cow
asparagusn - a plant with pale green, juicy stems - măng tây
condimentn - a substance, such as salt, that you add to food to improve its taste - gia v
to sautev - to cook food in oil or fat over heat - áp chảo
appareln - clothes of a particular type - trang phục
inoculatetiêm chủng to give a weak form of a disease to a person or animal, usually by injection, as a protection against that disease。 Inoculate somebody with a vaccine
pivotalcentral and important (nghĩa bóng) then chốt, mấu chốt, chủ chốt
ImmunizationTiêm chủng.
kidney dialysisChạy thận nhân tạo.
in perpetuitynoun : for ever Vĩnh viễn
inexplicablea - unable to be explained - không thể giải thích.
Immerse yourself in sthphr - to become completely involved in something - tham gia hoàn toàn vào
to peelto remove the skin of fruit - gọt vỏ, bóc vỏ.
polyglota - speaking or using several different languages - đa ngôn ngữ.
spontaneousa - happening or done in a natural, often sudden way - tự phát.
spiralnoun a shape made up of curves, each one above or wider than the one before spiral-shaped đồ vật có hình xoắn ốc
curbto control or limit something that is not wanted, kiềm chế, nén lại; hạn chế
cap upở mức - in meetings capped at a maximum of two adults.
a press briefingbuổi gặp gỡ báo chí
undersecretarythứ trưởng; phó bí thư
wholegrainn - containing whole seeds - ngũ cốc nguyên cám, để so sánh với ngũ cốc bột là cereals.
cardiovasculara - thuộc bệnh tim mạch, từ chuyên môn.
excessn - an amount that is more than acceptable, expected - dư thừa.
junk foodn - food that is unhealthy but is quick and easy to eat - đồ ăn vặt.
crispn - khoay tây chiên lát
veterana person who has had a lot of experience of a particular activity người từng trải
repealverb If a government repeals a law, it causes that law no longer to have any legal force.
inauguralAn inaugural event is the first in a series of planned events mở đầu, khai trương
reminiscentmaking you remember a particular person, event, or thing
the composted materialchất liệu đã ủ trộn
the Capitoln - the building in which the US Congress meets - Trụ Sở Quốc Hội Mỹ
to condemnv - to criticize something or someone strongly - lên án
disgracefula - very bad - tồi tệ - disgraceful behaviour/conduct
to subvertv - to try to destroy or damage something - lật đổ
elsewhereadv - at, in, from, or to another place - nơi khác
surrealstrange; not seeming real; like a dream siêu thực
ancillaryproviding support or help
bizarrevery strange and unusual a bizarre situation
tendergentle, loving, or kind
cradleẵm - to hold something or someone gently, especially by supporting with the arms
bellwethern- a share whose performance is believed to show the future performance of the financial markets - cổ phiếu chủ đạo - nghĩa đen: cừu đầu đàn đeo chuông.
weighted indexn- an index that takes into account the importance of particular things - chỉ số gia quyền
turnovern-C1 - the amount of business that a company does in a period of time
vaultedto move suddenly to a higher level or a more important position -v- tăng theo hình vòng cung
upbeata- full of hope, happiness, and good feelings - phấn khởi
drapehoàng, quàng to put something such as cloth or a piece of clothing loosely over something.
unwieldyAn unwieldy object is difficult to move or handle because it is heavy, large, or a strange shape
splayto spread wide apart
crotchcái đũng quần
defiantlyadverb : in a way that proudly refuses to obey authority, in a way that shows you are not willing to accept criticism or disapproval -một cách thách thức