What does BMI stand for? | body mass index |
What are the four categories of BMI? | healthy, overweight, obese, extremely obese |
What is the BMI value range for healthy? | 18.5-25 |
What is the BMI value range for overweight? | 25-30 |
What is the BMI value range for obese? | 30-35 |
What is the BMI value range for extremely obese? | 35 and above |
Why can BMI be misleading? | because a person might have more muscles than fat in them |
What are the 7 consequences of obesity? | high blood pressure, strokes, cholesterol, coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, joint pain, depression |
What causes coronary heart diseases? | coronary arteries fill with fatty deposits, which makes blood difficult to pass through and it may block flow of blood to heart |
what are the 5 causes of coronary heart diseases? | high blood pressure, high salt diet, smoking, lack of exercise, excess of saturated fat |
What is iron deficiency also known as? | anaemia |
Why do we need iron? | to form red blood cell, which transport oxygenated blood from lungs to rest of the body |
What are the 2 causes of iron defiiciency | consuming little iron, period |
What helps the absorption of iron? | vitamin C |
What are the 5 consequences of iron deficiency? | fatigue, paleness, headache, spoon shape fingernails, heart palpitation |
What are the 2 causes of type 2 diabetes? | obesity, excess-sugar diet |
What is the process of getting type 2 diabetes in the human body | blood glucose level runs too high, pancreas releases insulin to lower blood glucose level |
What is hormone insulin? | something that allows glucose to be absorbed in pancreas |
What are 4 consequences of type 2 diabetes? | bad eyesight, kidney failure, damage of blood vessel, cardiovascular disease |
What are the 3 types of bone diseases? | rickets, osteoporosis, tooth decay |
What are rickets? | skeletal disorder which causes bones to weaken and soften |
Deficiency of what nutrients causes rickets? | vitamin D, calcium |
What are 3 things that rickets can lead to? | stunt growth, bowed legs, large forehead |
What is osteoporosis? | a disease that causes bone to weaken and become brittle |
Who has a higher chance of getting osteoporosis? | elderly, women after menopause |
What are the 3 things to do to prevent osteoporosis | weight bearing, muscle-strengthening, consume vitamin D, calcium |
What is plaque? | a bacteria filled with sticky substances that forms from leftover food |
How is tooth decay formed? | Bacteria feeds on sugar, forming acid that wears down the enamel |
What are the 2 ways to prevent tooth decay? | brush teeth, reduce sugar intake |